[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Canโ€™t you just do

local resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()


What do you mean with enable on components? I installed mumble and had on bottom right the overlay but I cant speak

You paste your server cfg this lines?

setr voice_use3dAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true

And enable ingame voice chat enable, and look at first post for keybindings or on config file.

Where and how to do this?

Have you got the EasyAdmin spectate function to work with voices ?

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Not something that can be done easily. The player would have to be next to the player you are spectating. To do it properly you would probably have to take your player and make you invisible and then attach yourself to the player you want to spectate either just below their foot or above their head and you would also need to save your coords so that when you stop specing you are back where you are.

on GTA ingame settings. Multiplayer options

The 2 last version are break ? itโ€™s didโ€™nt works for me, but with a mumble voip v 1.1 and rp-radio 2.0 its functionnal

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No one can help or maybe explain if you donโ€™t say what is apparently broken.

Sometimes all players can hear everybody. Did everything right as it was showed.

Same problem, I have it they hear always everybody for some weird reason idkโ€ฆ

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Same but very good job !!

Noโ€ฆ we hear all player only at first spawn ingameโ€ฆ so You just turn ON and after turn OFFโ€ฆ and itโ€™s ok you dont hear peopleโ€ฆ

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Where can I find the name alt or F5, for example?

this is not what I typed these names and does not work. otherwise there is no such thing as โ€œcaptialโ€ in this documentation

Update the script.

i dont use easyadmin and i dont really care about spectating i would rather go invisible and teleport there if something is wrong

For people earing everyone, remember that you have to use OneSync to make this work


Good morning all ! I have no problem with mumble-voip working perfectly for me. I encounter some difficulties with the rp-radio which does not work properly. I cannot open the radio and I have no console or other errors that could help me. Any ideas ? (sorry for my english which comes straight from Google Translate ahah)

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