[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio


Anyone know how to export if player is talking like this export from tooko-voip
exports.tokoovoip:getPlayerData(GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'voip:talking')

You do not, i have a server im right now developing to make it ready to open as of now we got mumble and eup on it, without paying for the thingy.

You can have eup on a server on 10 clients or under if i remember correctly.
But i know you can have onesync on a server on under 32 clients.

pretty sure its the client in gc phone :wink:

Just search for whats in the picture and you shall find it.

the radio does not work in police cars

question is there a way for the list to make it say the names of there steam?

1 Like

Hello everyone i need help why my server cant speak in game but i can speak to radio with my friend

same to me

do you possibly have vMenu installed, or another voice script like esx_voice?

I cant Join on privat channel.

ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'cloakroom', {
		title    = _U('cloakroom'),
		align    = 'top-left',
		elements = elements
	}, function(data, menu)

		if data.current.value == 'citizen_wear' then
			if Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds then
				ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin, jobSkin)
					local isMale = skin.sex == 0

					TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadDefaultModel', isMale, function()
						ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin)
							TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin)

				ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin)
					TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin)

			if Config.MaxInService ~= -1 then
				ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_service:isInService', function(isInService)
					if isInService then
						playerInService = false

						local notification = {
							title    = _U('service_anonunce'),
							subject  = '',
							msg      = _U('service_out_announce', GetPlayerName(PlayerId())),
							iconType = 1

						TriggerServerEvent('esx_service:notifyAllInService', notification, 'police')
						exports["rp-radio"]:RemovePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3)
						TriggerServerEvent('esx_service:disableService', 'police')
				end, 'police')

		if Config.MaxInService ~= -1 and data.current.value ~= 'citizen_wear' then
			local serviceOk = 'waiting'

			ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_service:isInService', function(isInService)
				if not isInService then

					ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_service:enableService', function(canTakeService, maxInService, inServiceCount)
						if not canTakeService then
							ESX.ShowNotification(_U('service_max', inServiceCount, maxInService))
							serviceOk = true
							playerInService = true

							local notification = {
								title    = _U('service_anonunce'),
								subject  = '',
								msg      = _U('service_in_announce', GetPlayerName(PlayerId())),
								iconType = 1

							TriggerServerEvent('esx_service:notifyAllInService', notification, 'police')
							exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3)
					end, 'police')

					serviceOk = true
			end, 'police')

			while type(serviceOk) == 'string' do

			-- if we couldn't enter service don't let the player get changed
			if not serviceOk then
PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()

                  local inventory = ESX.GetPlayerData().inventory

                  local hasradio = nil

                  for i=1, #inventory, 1 do if inventory[i].name == "radio" then hasradio = inventory[i].count end end

                      if hasradio == 0 then





So i am using mumble, and i am also using an external hud. But there is no export to check voice mode, check if player is talking etc. How do i make those?

Hi does anyone know how to fix this? I followed a video on how to install, both are latest versions possible too and ive tried various versions, re installed etc …

I can bring the radio up by using the keybind / typing /radio and you hear the click when you connect to a frequency but you cant talk in the radio and of course you cant even talk in general using whisper, normal or shouting due to whats being shown the image below bottom right…

Read bottom right it is not connected and can’t be read top of topic post to get another resource

Turns out I didnt have one sync enabled on my TX Admin so I turned that on but its only fixed half of it.

Its connected and I can use my radio now but it still says Mumble initializing bottom right so cant use the general voice chat to talk in game. And ive tried alot but nothings fixing that its weird

I can’t turn on the animation when talking on the radio, any suggestions?

People have been asking me if i could change it so when they walk with controller it doesnt pop up the radio in their hand. Was just wondering if there is a fix

Hey, I’m wondering if there is a way I could lock radio channels 1-4 behind the ace permissions group β€œleo”, I have a pretty limited knowlege of actually creating scripts or adding things on so wouldn’t really know where or how to start

how to disable speak while dead ?

Do i put that in server.cfg?