[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Should the convars go somewhere else than the server.cfg?

Put them in there at the top and still get global broadcast.

I can’t thank you enough for this @Frazzle. Thank you for the amazing release and the support you’ve provided to everyone :slight_smile:

didn’t work

it’s too small it could have been a little bigger I almost didn’t see

Hear everybody on the server when speaking

the radio does not open digit / radio or press the button and it does not open


Mumble-voip doesnt really work…

I think mumble-voip is little bit broken right now…

Hello, i have everything working but i can`t hear anyone. I only hear the sounds from the radio when someone talks on the same chanel


mumble-voip works for me, but when i type /radio or press button that is in config nothing happends


Am i missing something, do i need to install mumble server anywhere? is /radio supposed to work? i’m not getting errors and it seems to be functioning, i just don’t know how to use it correctly.


You need to use the function/export to allow yourself to use the radio or if you just want to test you can go to the config I believe and change the radio part from false to true.

@kFxDaKing ^

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I can hear everyone on the server from any distance when using the mumble also the radio is active when it supposed to be inactive, weird stuff. At least for me…

Works perfectly fine for me!

did you disable ANY other Voice Script

make sure no script is using


Well gcphone is using.

Does the convars go into the server.cfg?

There is no Server.lua script in radio mentioned in fxmanifest… and /Radio doesnt work…
server_scripts {

Read the last message I have above for the radio.

when i type /radio nothing shows up ;/

in server.cfg, its look like this:
start mumble-voip
start rp-radio

0 erros in F8 and console ;/