[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Do you use ESX?

yes i use esx

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Here’s an example for the esx_policejob
add exports["rp-radio"]:GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4) to

add exports["rp-radio"]:RemovePlayerAccessToFrequencies(1, 2, 3, 4) to


Hello could you help me I start voip add to my cfg

setr voice_use3dAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true

and voip goes global

This doesn’t work at least from what I can see then I set it to false the script still thinks that they have the radio and can talk on it

You not enough remove acces radio channels. Use second export “removePlayerFromRadio” to remove real time player from radio channel.

Using this export as well player still in the channel


am i correct for adding police for frequency 1,2,3,4

Do I need Teamspeak for mumble or how can I speak ingame?


You need use esx_service for perfect work.

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No need teamspeak client. Only need mumble enable on components. This version integrated to mumble default voice system.

Thanks for the release. so i use esx i already put the exports for police, but i have a hard time finding out where esx_ambulance registers players in service, anyone got a clue yet?

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i got a little problem… I change key for Radio with this
in config.lua from Mumble-voip

   controls = { -- Change default key binds
        proximity = "z", -- Switch proximity mode
        radio = "g", -- Use radio
        speaker = "x" -- Toggle speaker mode (phone calls)

and change in rp-radio config.lua this

        Broadcast = {
            Name = "INPUT_DETONATE", -- Control name
            Key = 47, -- Caps Lock

but… the key stay on capslock for talking in radio…

Any help ?

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i use esx-duty… so i cant really help you

update mumble-voip

One idea

Idea for return functions is playernotservice or service

here’s the ambulance job spots
https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_ambulancejob/blob/master/client/job.lua#L423 -> off duty
https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_ambulancejob/blob/master/client/job.lua#L438 -> on duty
https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_ambulancejob/blob/master/client/job.lua#L490 -> off duty

and then i have to add MaxInService = -1 in the ambulance config?

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Thank you so much, great release btw

MaxInService = -1 --> Unlimited member can go duty. Please look at Frazzle post for how can put exports data.

MaxInService --> You can controll for how many member can on duty at time.

MaxInService = 20 --> Only 20 member can duty on OMSZ at time.