hello everyone, I’m on the last right for my server, but I have a mess, I use gcphone and mumble voip, the radio works, text messages too, call our contacts, speak ingame. But in gcphone call we do not get along. Do you have a solution for me please. I’ve been looking for and trying things for 3 days without any positive results. Thank you
for some reason I cannot change the keybind at all. any time I change it in the config file it just doesnt work on anything else but H but that causes an issue with headlights and what not. Anyone know how to fix this??
how can i change the text to my lang???
Is it free?
Hello! Would anyone send the rp-radio file as an item? (sry my english)
it how it looks on my sv
ESX = nil
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘radio’, function(source)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('radio', 0)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Set', source, true)
TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Toggle', source)
Hi Frazzle, this is just a question. When i use my radio ingame, my voice doesnt work, for example.
when i use then button to talk on the radio (Q) my character dont talk and idk how to fix it. was hoping you could help
im having the same issue
Can Someone Guide Me As When I Enable The Radio, It Throws This And Doesn’t Do Anything Just Throws This
anyone running this plugin with 300+ players?
Trying to figure this out as it’s says No Such Export SetRadioChannel
Have you given the privete chanels?
what do you mean by that?
And added them to the job?
Can i use this voip without OneSync?
i done this all but nothing work…
I got it all working but just can’t access the frequencies…