[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Hey the radio is not working with me it doesn’t show up even when i reinstall the whole script and i don’t change anything

Try to change line 2 in client.lua

local Radio = {
	Has = true, -- this line make it true
	Open = false,
	On = false,
	Enabled = true,
	Handle = nil,
	Prop = `prop_cs_hand_radio`,
	Bone = 28422,
	Offset = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
	Rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
	Dictionary = {
	Animation = {
	Clicks = true, -- Radio clicks

Sometimes the voices of the players stutters and players have to turn on/off voice chat to fix it. did anyone else faced this issue and has a fix for it?
my server is Onesync enabled with 40 slots.

what about using it without having the stuff on the screen like for police civ etc and that they dont have to hold a radio to use it like just be in a channel and get to close the radio but still be able to talk in that frequency

Does anyone know how i can configure this to work with GCphone??

Will you make it for One Sync Inifinity? :frowning:

Hey there,
So is there anyway to be able to hear people whilst spectating through easyadmin like with vMenu. This would be greatly appreciated!

How can I hear other radio when people talking in radio

Did you fix this one I’m looking also for the answer

No, and the OP seems to be mia

what do you mean ? OP

Original Poster

Hi i have small issue after i set radio on item everything works fine but when i use a quickbind radio is showed up as well when i don’t have item in my inventory

How i can make item for vrp the problem is every body can use this script even the users i just want the cops , ems to use it

Add a job check. So if your doing it by command then add a check so only police or ems can use that command. I’m not familiar how vrp works but that should help u out

Probably don’t have a item check on it

And how i can do that?

Hello so yeah how do i make it a esx_radio item?

Hello people i need help with the permissions how does it work if you use the esx_radioperms

you have a new pull request on rp-radio :wink: