[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

starting mumble before the setr is working also with 3d, but we can ear the whole lobby :thinking:

edit: after some time again the error
WARN: Too big message received (XXXXX bytes). Playing safe and disconnecting client CLIENT-IP.

In your server you have the vMenu if I’m not mistaken, check that you do not have the VOICE CHAT section active, at the beginning it was like that for me too :joy: :thinking:

As for console spam, at the beginning I also had it but by setting the mumble-voip better and after numerous reboots it fixed itself. :man_shrugging:

it’s disabled by 1 year or so the vmenu voice :rofl: if i find a way to fix i’ll post here, thanks for the help

client.lua (1.2 KB)
So i have just done this to ensure that if you are a police,mechanic and ems you can enter 1-10, however i still cannot enter these?

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whenever I wait for scripts, I can hear them all from my server. how to fix this?

are you using ESX ? and want to make radio usable ITEM? do this:
create a server.lua and add this in it.
after go to your database and add radio to your items
then to use it just open your inventory and when click use, the radio pops up in your hands then just use the keys set for it it shift + f2 or /radio to use or hide, i suggest to put it as remove 0 cause it wont make sense losing the radio after using it. if not just use this:
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('radio', 1)

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('radio', function(source)

      local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

      xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('radio', 0)

       TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Set', source, true)

      TriggerClientEvent('Radio.Toggle', source)

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now my turn to get help how do add a certain person to a frequency using the steam id? and maybe a command to add people to that group? this is because i don’t have jobs in my server its a survivalist but i do have groups thanks

I have the same issue

Hi, i cant open the radio. Any help ?

You need to enable it read the ReadME File you have to change Has in config to true

I need help when i type /radio it doesnt work what do i do?To make the radio work.

voice played for all player in server :pensive: please fix it

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hello i need help to make it compatible on onesync_infinity. I don’t think I’m the only one

how i make private channels for police and ems in vrpex?

Hello! I installed this on my FX server but nothing works. Help?

Players become more than 100 people, the sound does not work well and the distance does not work and they work freely for everyone

voice is played for all players in the server :frowning:

still no solution for this?

when lose radio still can talk on last frequency… any idea to check if player still have radio?

Did you fix the problem?