[Release] Model Blacklist v1.1

Thanks for answer, but I’m don’t sure I understand exactly what happen here and how I can use it ? :slight_smile:

for the icecon?
Like usualy, put the folder into resources, and its line in autostartresources, put the .exe where you want. Run your server, run the .exe, click on connect, enter the IP of your server, your password, and press enter.
once done, use the commands to make what you want.

As step one I have try to ‘ban’ myself with my IP address, but its don’t work I have full access to my server, so ?? :confused:

im confused as to how to black list more then one weapon or vehicle, i tried different ways of adding them but nothing seems to work, any ideas as how i approach addding more models to the blacklist?

weapon “WEAPON_RPG”, end “WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER”, why not blacklist ? thank you.

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im not understanding, i tried almost everything and still wont let me blacklist more then one weapon or vehicle.

should have something wrong in the .lua. Work fine for me.
Here is my weaponblacklist.lua

Hi, thanks for this. One question tho :


Can you explain me what the underscore means/do ?


Edit : Nevermind, found my answer in the utils.lua file

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Hello, excuse me for disturbing you, but I have some difficulty in running the script.

What happens is that when you arrive near a blacklisted vehicle I am message flood “this vehicle is blacklisted” but it does not dispawn, I can even ride in and drive it.

How can I make it dispawn?

thanks in advance.

I was just thinking the same.

For me,even the example to blacklist the tank does not work.
I have yet to find this script to work for me to blacklist any vehicles…its crazy

hello all how are you ?

You are idea for delete tank rhino ?
thank you so much !

How to block the UFO? I cannot find the modelname.

I can’t get any of the vehicles to delete with this script for some reason, it just starts spamming the blacklisted message.

Hi !
I have a problem with your script, the blacklist is enable for all, but not for the Carbine Rifle. I try all name of this rifle, but it never blacklisted. Can you help me ? I really want to blacklist the Carbine Rifle for a public server.

Am I doing something wrong? These vehicles can still be spawned…

If you want to disable spawning, I advise you to stream the FIVEM_LOVES_YOU_341B23A2F0E0F131 data file : https://wiki.fivem.net/wiki/Data_file

That link didnt work btw, but I dont wanna disable spawning all together just certain vehicles & weapons

And yeah, you would choose what model would be allow to spawn with this file

I’ve been trying to set this up for the past few days. some of them work, some of them don’t and i can’t figure out why. This is what i have right now,

minigun and sticky bomb ate the only 2 that worked.