[Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

What is this error about? Anyone know?

Your code is missing the first line, that’s why @ElReyDeCabra wasn’t able to get it to work.

I added

RegisterCommand('roll', function(source, args, rawCommand) and it’s working now :slight_smile:

RegisterCommand('rolldice', function(source, args, rawCommand)
    local myPed = PlayerPedId(-1)
    local animation = 'mp_player_int_wank_01_enter'
    local animation2 = 'mp_player_int_wank_01_exit'
    local flags = 8
    TaskPlayAnim(myPed, 'mp_player_int_upperwank', animation, 8.0, -8, -1, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    TaskPlayAnim(myPed, 'mp_player_int_upperwank', animation2, 8.0, -8, -1, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    num = math.random(1,6)
    num2 = math.random(1,6)
    num3 = math.random(1,6)
    local text = 'Rolled: '..num..'/6 '..num2..'/6 '..num3..'/6'
    for i = 1,#args do
        text = text .. '' .. args[i]
    text = text .. ' '
    TriggerServerEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', text)

Added the first line, and removed the /n on each number

if you @ElReyDeCabra want to use with a different /“command”
just change the rolldice in the first line.

yeah for some reason pasting it from my phone made that happen. very sorry.

how do i use other fonts that support my language

how did you get yours in the middle of the person do you mind sharing how you did it?
would really appreciate it.

client.lua Line 61
DrawText3D(coordsMe['x'], coordsMe['y'], coordsMe['z']+offset-1.025, text)
you can adjust the -1.025 value to your like.

how do i use other fonts that support my language

change the font value in the client.lua - Line 4
Those are the Default fonts you can use

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@Khaled_m.q here, try this ctrl+f - "How to add fonts"

Here is my version of 3dme. I added separete color options for command /me and /do.

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I’m trying this code and everything seems to work except printing the “Rolled: numbers” any thing I should check?

Is there way to make /do and /me different color? Because when i want to change color changed both… Thanks.

Hi @AderQ is there way to had names a from of /me /do i mean when u type in chat there is on * * but i want in chat Dave * < text > *

is there any way to make it so it say the characters name not the person? using vrp framework

thank you for any help :slight_smile:

it’s easy and also has been already posted just change the main and client from the esx_identys an u got it.

Am not using Esx am using vrp. :slight_smile:

Can someone help with adding ID to the normal chat not on the head ?

Where is the text position? huh

Hi ! I want to add a /me to weapon pull out. So when the player pulls out the weapon it displays “The person pulled out his gun”. How can I do that?

check if player is pulling out a gun, take a look at this resource:

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

have you made it? If yes, could you share?

any way to code this for /do as well?