[Release] Luxart Vehicle Control

go into vehicles.meta

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what do you mean?

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just have to reboot

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@Guenter36 This is the only check the script does.

DisableControlAction(0, 172, true) -- INPUT_CELLPHONE_UP 

Could be, the script broadcasts indicator state every 200 ticks. When it does it then relays this with all clients.

You can only get 100 soundIDs, if you have a lot of vehicles with sirens on you could surpass this number. There is currently no development on this script. More information here: PlaySoundFromEntity Limitations

Does anyone know why when i add a /trunk script that it won’t work when I use Lux? Is there code i can write in lux to make it so i can do /trunk outside of the vehicle etc?

Thanks in advance

can anyone help with sirens in my old server i had dual sirens with luxart i moved to zap now i dont have dual sirens can anyone help with this

Really good addon!

how do I make fire vehicles have fire sirens?


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I’m a new server owner and trying to figure some of this out. This server had stuff already in it. I tried this in our server and it disabled our light control. We can’t press Q or Y anymore to turn on the lights. We are not using ELS vehicles.

Before this we had an issue with Sirens being heard by other players. I could have mine on but no one else would hear it. With this added, players could hear others sirens but the light controls were disabled. I discovered you could hold B on controller and hit Q on keyboard and it would turn on the lights but that is not practical.

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Is there a way to get this script to activate based on an array of vehicle models rather than a vehicle category?

adjust the code, there is always a way

It works good.
I just don’t really know the controls.
But every time I use it with a Tahoe, on the rear windows lights, and the ram bar lights come on. But I am going to see if I can fix that, I think it is the vehicle. But if you could make a control list for me that would be a life saver! I spend like 10 to 20 minutes trying to figure out which keys are for the lights and sirens!

The script works fine for me but there is one vehicles which dont work with this script.
I think in the vehicle.meta is all correct


Anyone have a idea what to do for fix it?

i our emergency cars we can´t open our phone(f1), personal Menu(f5) and job menu(f6) can someone tell me how i can fix that?

where do i find lux vehicle control x

Hi did you find a fix? Thanks

nope sorry but i am looking for it everywhere