[Release] Los Santos Removed - Empty game map, only water

idk why i did install everything like u said but still the map

is ther catche was cleared and server restartet

Maybe some other resource is conflicting? Can you try and see if it works just with LosSantosRemoved running?

i heave allready testet is but still the map is ther idk whats the problem

any help on why its doing this?

Any other resources running?

how can i make the cars spawn

What cars? You can try and add some car generators in your ymaps but this resource will overwrite the vanilla ones.

i tried brodie they dont spawn, if i remove the las santos map removal from my server they spawn then but with it they wont spawn at all

Vanilla vehicles can’t spawn because they are most likely unloaded by this resource, so either stream the models and mount their data files or use addon vehicles. That’s just how it is.

is there an updated way to use default LOD’s (buildings, housing, etc) with the removal script?

Hello there, thanks for this map.

It works well on my test server.

Is it possible to open this ressource in Codewalker like a project or a dlc, so I can add content like custom terrain and buildings ? Or do I need to make my custom content on the “normal” map inside Codewalker, and add your empty map + my custom content from my project on the server and it will just add it on top of the empty world ?

Thanks in advance…

I don’t think you can load this into codewalker, but you can disable the GTA map and build stuff from there:


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Thanks, I was not aware of this option. It will be useful for working on custom maps.

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Client sided NVE files. Extra vegetation, snow mountain. Remove them.

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Thanks, wasn’t aware of that.