[Release] Lightbar Menu Script: Attatch Lightbars to ANY vehicle w/ Sirens

Here ya go fellas

D3s Code3 RX2700 [Free]

Does anyone know why my lights are like this (I mean like a star) and not like in the demonstration video?

The sirens work, but when I park my car in the garage and get it out again, the sirens are gone

Is it possible to use it with ELS?

I’m assuming that this question has been asked before, but I can’t find an answer… is there a way to replace the Lightbar models with better and nicer ones? The script itself has a lot of potential, but unfortunately the models aren’t the most beautiful. I would be very happy about tips or help and hope for an answer

Hello can you pls help me to make this only for Police Job ?

Broken carcols.

Could you send me that thread by chance?

Which thread? The Released lightbars?

D3’s Siderunners Pack {Free}

D3’s LP Mini {Free}

D3’s Code 3 RX2700 {Free}

D3’s Whelen Avengers Pack {Free}

You mentioned that you found a thread about how you can make lightbars for this script.

There’s no thread with a tutorial on how to do this. I only mentioned running across this thread and figuring out how to make the lightbars myself.

Oh, ok. My bad. I must have misunderstood what you said.

I’m sorry to be a pain but do you mind sharing how you did it. If not that’s fine, I’m just a bit curious on how it’s done.

I usually teach through twitch or on my discord. If you wish to have that information I can send you the links in a private message.

If possible. Thank you D3.

Hey its not working for me anyone else having this issue?

The script is working perfectly fine and the lightbars spawn etc. but when i press Q to turn the lights on it doesnt work anymore

just add it there

function moveObj(veh)
  local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  local MOVEMENT_CONSTANT = 0.01
  local vehOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(newVeh, 0.0, 1.3, 0.0)

  if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 121)) then -- rotate 180 upside down
    yrot = yrot + 180.0
    print("yrot = " .. yrot)
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 178)) then -- rotate 180 
    zrot = zrot + 180
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
  if (IsControlPressed(1, 190)) then -- move forward
    xCoord = xCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 189)) then -- move backwards
    xCoord = xCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 27)) then -- move right
    yCoord = yCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 187)) then -- move left
    yCoord = yCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 208)) then -- move up
    zCoord = zCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 207)) then -- move down
    zCoord = zCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)

like that

function moveObj(veh)
  local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  local MOVEMENT_CONSTANT = 0.01
  local vehOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(newVeh, 0.0, 1.3, 0.0)

  if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 121)) then -- rotate 180 upside down
    yrot = yrot + 180.0
    print("yrot = " .. yrot)
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 178)) then -- rotate 180 
    zrot = zrot + 180
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
  if (IsControlPressed(1, 190)) then -- move forward
    xCoord = xCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 189)) then -- move backwards
    xCoord = xCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 27)) then -- move right
    yCoord = yCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 187)) then -- move left
    yCoord = yCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 208)) then -- move up
    zCoord = zCoord + MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
   if (IsControlPressed(1, 207)) then -- move down
    zCoord = zCoord - MOVEMENT_CONSTANT
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
    if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 209)) then -- rotate 90
    zrot = zrot + 90
    DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
    AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
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Script doesnt work anymore can someone send me a fixed version?

is there a way this can be made to work in singleplayer for lspdfr?

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just search for tnj-lightbar