Yes it is. Even the default voice with GTA V has capabilities of voice calling. One of the upsides to Mumble (and also Teamspeak in the end) is to be able to listen in multiple channels. I believe Mumble cannot speak in different channels at the same time (i.e. “radio talk” + speak in local radius, due to bandwidth concerns or so I’ve read, but Teamspeak can. Pretty sure a compromise/solution can be found.
don’t spread lies
No calling support now ?
i wont be using it but nice release dude 10/10
im waiting for the calling part nice release!
Like usual, I’m wrong and I thought I might have been
This looks amazing. wow
New update!
- Added filters and more camera features i.e. filters and gestures.
Use left and right arrows to change the filter. Press [ and ] to change the gesture and hold X to use it.
I hope to see some new and funny selfies being posted on the Snapmatic!
scaleform/rendertarget probably failed to load
How does one fixed?
idk your problem not mine
Uh ok. lol
… ok
Good phone! My users report a bug when you open EyeFind app the phone becomes stuck on the screen.
Wish it had calling!
do they even input any website?
I had that same issue, To fix it(for me this was the fix anyway) Disable vMenu voice permissions, in the permissions.cfg
You need to comment out the voice permissions.
yep i took out that how section for voice in the permissions.cfg and it still overrides … its so crazy i have no idea why its doing it. i have it set up for admins only, we run really wild dynamic events and its usefull to have the controls that vmenu offers, but if we have it active no one on the permissions admin list cant use use voice calls. sigh., thanks for the reply Wack