[Release] InteractionMenu

@BradSenior In what way have you editied the menu? resource file name, menu title, etc?

@yung_juicce Thank you for your suggestion! I will take this into consideration for the next update.

Yes, I have changed the keybind to F6. But the previous F6 menu I had worked just fine in a vehicle without any problems. I tried re-mapping it to “M” and still ran into the same issue. I have looked through the code to see if there was anything preventing this from opening in the vehicle, and have found nothing. I also added some code so if you are in a vehicle and the button is pressed, it toggles the menu, and that didn’t work either.

I’m going to continue trying to fix it up, hopefully I have luck. But if not, I guess it’s not that big of an issue.

Thank you for your reply and help!

Can anyone help me setting up the ace perms for the LEO and Fire? I tried it myself but i can’t figure it out what so ever.

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Did you ever get any luck @Whitigol?

Somewhat. Still not working with F6 for some reason, I guess it was the button mapping. I put it back to “M” and it works inside vehicles now.

EDIT: To re-map it to “M” I had to remove the code I had to try to make it open with F6

When I try to cuff people it will not let me cuff them

Cuffed players can run and get out of police vehicles. Also search produces no results no matter what, any solutions_

Would it be possible to add options in the civilian menu for priority control?

Hi, anyone know how I could keep people from running when cuffed. And how can I get them to not be able to exit vehicle when handcuffed? Thanks in advance.

If you want to restrict them buttons then you will need to disable those controls when cuffed.
Look in the client.lua and head to line 42 you need to replace that entire section with

    while true do

        if isCuffed and not IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 3) then
            TaskPlayAnim(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        if IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 3) then
            DisableControlAction(0, 30,  true) --Moving
            DisableControlAction(0, 31,  true) --Moving
            DisableControlAction(1, 23, true) --F [Enter Vehicle]
            DisableControlAction(1, 75, true) --F [Exit Vehicle]
            DisableControlAction(1, 140, true) --R
            DisableControlAction(1, 141, true) --Q
            DisableControlAction(1, 142, true) --LMB
            SetPedPathCanUseLadders(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false)

            if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false) then
                DisableControlAction(0, 59, true) --Vehicle Driving

        if IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), 'random@mugging3', 'handsup_standing_base', 3) then
            DisableControlAction(0, 30,  true) --Moving
            DisableControlAction(0, 31,  true) --Moving
            DisableControlAction(1, 23, true) --F [Enter Vehicle]
            DisableControlAction(1, 75, true) --F [Exit Vehicle]
            DisableControlAction(1, 140, true) --R
            DisableControlAction(1, 141, true) --Q
            DisableControlAction(1, 142, true) --LMB
            if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false) then
                DisableControlAction(0, 59, true) --Vehicle Driving

Now for the searching of a player, that player needs to set what is in their inventory before anything will show up

Are you asking if you can add items into the menu to control things like “Priority In Progress”, “Cooldown” or “Peacetime” displaying on screen?

yeah the buttons for it to active the text on the screen instead of actually typing it in to activate it would be way faster for people to do that then to type it in.

If you are using another resource you could use exports or another way to activate it - you would use items within the menu to do that.
Other wise you could combine them both into one, again using buttons to activate it.

Fantastic Menu Scott, is there any way that will allow you to open the menu to rack the weapons in add-on cars? I cannot get it to open up? Thanks!

Also I cannot do any of the Vehicle menu options with my add on vehicles

The menu should be able to be opened in all vehicles. Depending on the keybind set of the menu, the menu will not open inside of a vehicle (This is out of my control)

The menu is great and everything but whenever I get in a vehicle I can’t open the menu can I get help on fixing the please

Check out this post

Does anyone know a Keybind rather than M that works inside vehicles?