[Release] InteractionMenu

You will need to add more images into char_floyd.ytd in the stream folder and head into the config and add them in at Config.CivAdverts

If you attempt to move, using W, A, S, D or Space it will stop the animation

The ACE perms used by the resource can be found here there is also links to a forum post and YT video to help

Hey, someone else was having this issue I believe there was a conflict somewhere for them. atm I can’t remember how they fixed it, I’ll see if I can remember and get back to you

The menu can be accessed in vehicles, there has been issues where some resources like lux_vehcontrol would prevent it when using a specific keybind.

if you head into the menu.lua and look for the following

  while true do
    if IsControlJustPressed(1, Config.MenuButton) and GetLastInputMethod(2) then
      if not menuOpen then

and replace with the following

  while true do
    if (IsControlJustPressed(1, Config.MenuButton) or IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, Config.MenuButton)) and GetLastInputMethod(2) then
      if not menuOpen then

that should fix your issue

Hey, so if you add the following into the menu.lua it should work - this hasn’t been tested so let me know if it works

  while true do
    if menuOpen then
      DisableControlAction(0, 24, true)

Head into the conifg.lua and look for Config.MenuButton follow the link to the FiveM docs page with the control IDs and replace the one in the config with the ID of the control you are wising to use

If you head to semdevelopment.com and click on Contact Us at the top of the page that has a valid invite link

Yes, you can use this with discord permissions.
Head to here and look at the Can I use Discord Permissions with this menu?

When i try to cuff a player he T posed and i cant put him in a vehicle. Please help

the menu doesnt open with the button i set it too (f5) and it is set to button?

how do i make it so only the cops can use the LEO Toolbox??
can anyone help me^^

How exactly would i change the keybind to open the menu

Others reported this issue in our support server and the issue was able to be resolved, I’ll ask the support team and look at the logs to see how we resolved it and get back to you.

Make sure you are settings Config.MenuButton to 166, if you are and it still doesn’t work try out this and see if that helps

look in the config.lua for Config.LEOAccess that will restrict the LEO menu

head into the config.lua and look for Config.MenuButton and change that value with one from the FiveM Docs

how do you make someone an leo

Hi does this still work in game I need a f5 menu either Leo tool box

Thank you