[RELEASE] Hologram Speedometer v1.0.1

Awesome stuff! :clap:

Incredible, I’ve seen less for more :wink:

Holy f*ck, this is insane asf

How do you make the display so its not so bright?

If you using NVE, you should run the command: /hsp nve to enable the NVE mode

please also in km/h

The unit will display as KPH if you set the useMph = false or running the command /hsp mph and switch to Off.

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Cool release and great work but there are many instances of best practice not being followed. Expect a PR soon to the git repo :smiley: (PR merged! Cheers for the very quick response!)

Current improvements:

  • Fully static loading (no more hosting hologram.html yourself!)
  • In-game configurable keybinding (no longer based on default controls!)
  • Automatic metric/imperial detection based on user settings (and changing no longer requires you to restart your game!)
  • Improved javascript (no more jquery!)
  • Dramatically improved performance (currently sitting at 0.20ms average while the display is active, 0.01ms when inactive)
  • Theming! (nve is now a “theme”, you can change themes on the fly and new themes can be added easily by creating a file with editing being done via CSS variables)

Currently working on moving from CreateVehicle to CreateObject for the DUI anchor (so that resource reloads don’t crash your game due to reloading vehicle meta while you are in a vehicle) and forcing the display to be drawn on top of stuff like the map to make it more useful (and possibly some rotation to make it always visible to the camera)

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OMG BRAH! T H I S I S B E A U T I F U L (Yeah I’m screaming) :slight_smile:

WOW, JUST WOW! this looks insane bro!! well done!

10/10 :ok_hand:

Great work looks amazing, is it possible to add a fuel parameter and turn off the UI by default?

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i set it to true for mph and its only reading kph cant figure out how to change it

Run the command in game: /hsp mph

any way to make mph default so people do have to look up how to change it?

set this to ‘‘true’’

OMFG I love it :heart_eyes:

Amazing ! Little question tho, do the drift point popup is in this hud or it’s something else ?


Any way to implement this for first person drivers? We all drift with wheels in our server, in first person, this would look awesome. Also, what’s the resource called for the drift points?

I’ll try to get that working in my upcoming PR :smile:

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