[Release] Grapeseed Signs [Version 2.0]

Hello Everyone! I have decided through a poll on my previous release to release signs for Grapeseed! As always, please feel free to use this and remember to credit me if you plan to edit this and re-release it. Otherwise if you find any errors with signs or believe that something should be changed (either changing signs and even adding/removing signs) then feel free to message me regarding the issue and I will be sure to make the changes and release it. Thanks and enjoy!

Download: GrapeseedSigns 2.0.zip (3.1 KB)



Version 2.0: GrapeseedSigns 2.0.zip (3.1 KB)

  • Removed some Random Signs and fixed others.

Version 1.0: GrapeseedSigns 1.0.zip (2.9 KB)

  • Original Release

Some more of my Sign Resources:


Back at it again letting me be lazy!


Version 2.0 is Now Out! Let me know if yall find any other issues! Thanks!