[Release] [Free] VulcanAC


  • Huge Configuration File With Modular Configuration
  • Still many updates to come looking for feedback and suggestions.
  • Runs 0.00ms client/server (Not gonna even notice it yet keep your server safe)

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Release v1.5 · Zaps6000/vulcan-ac · GitHub Added Kick logs

hey, where the preview sir ??

Why would I give you a preview?

nice release mabye a preview

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so that people know what you Script looks like.

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Not much to show you cheat you get kicked you want me to record a video of me getting kicked 100 times?

where the get ACE Permissions for VulcanAC?

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inside of config each one is adjustable

add_principal identifier.steam:YOURACE group.admin
add_ace group.admin admin.antiFX.bypass allow
add_ace group.admin admin.antiGodMode.bypass allow

example for aces. would need to add more or remove based on what your config is but this should be able to help people who know nothing about ace perm.

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deffo a zap dev haha T0xic replys lol

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:rofl: want a video hold up

hey i just enjoy seeing people get kicked from there own server hahahahaha

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So, I’m reading through the code and I can’t see how this release does half of the things it claims to. For example, at a glance I can see in the config it has the options - GodMode, BlacklistedCommands, AntiGodMode, AntiNoClip and AntiResourceTamper defined but they are not called upon anywhere in the resource. So the script doesn’t provide any of those features at all.

Also, and this is only relatively minor, but the formatting in the code is pretty rotten. Almost as if though it was just cut and pasted from elsewhere. I’ve at least put in a PR to sort that out but it does make it look a lot less polished the way it is.



esx/qb it will auto select your framework but this is for anti taze the anticheat its self is standalone. also its near completion as anti godmode antinoclip have been added along with anti resource tamper

ok thnx sir