🌶️ [RELEASE] [FREE] Teleport


Script Status

This script is no longer maintained or used by Project Life.


This is an optimized teleport-script that is easy-to-use with many features. Take a look in the config for more information.

The code is far from perfect. If you’d like to rewrite parts, go for it.
The only thing I ask is to not sell or re-upload the script claiming it to be yours.


Click Here
PL = {}


--These values are in seconds.

PL.LoopTimer = 1                                --Script update time to display text.
PL.WaitTimer = 0.5                              --Timer between the blackscreen.
PL.ScreenFadeOutTimer = 1                       --How long it should take for screen to fade out.
PL.ScreenFadeInTimer = 1                        --How long it should take for screen to fade in.


PL.TeleportInVehicle = false                    --If players can teleport while being inside a vehicle.
PL.DisplayText = "DrawText"                     --Which export used to display text. Options: "DrawText" | "j-textui" | "cd_drawtextui"
PL.DisplayTextDistance = 3                      --Distance from when people are able to see the text tooltip.
PL.UseTeleportDistance = 2                      --Distance from when people are able to use the teleporter.
PL.FreezePlayerOnTeleport = false               --If players should be freezed during the teleport.


PL.UseBlips = true
PL.BlipSprite = 304                             --Set the global blip sprite. Full list: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
PL.BlipColor = 48                               --Set the global blip color. Full list: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
PL.BlipScale = 0.7                              --Set the global blip scale.


PL.Keybind = 38                                 --Key to use to teleport. Current keybind is "E", full list: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/


PL.Locations = {
    [1] = {
        location = {
            from = vector3(-516.84, 433.22, 97.81),     --Teleport from.
            to = vector3(-502.23, 429.55, 101.92),      --Teleport to.

            showBlip = true,                            --Show blip on from-marker.
            blipText = "Vespucci Central",              --Blip text on the blip, if showBlip is true.           

            text = "Enter House",                       --Text to display on the from-marker.
            textColor = "Red",                          --Text Color. ONLY APPLIES IF EXPORT IS "DrawText". Options: "White", "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Purple", "Black", "Orange"

    [2] = {
        location = {
            from = vector3(-686.05, 223.41, 81.84),
            to = vector3(-937.38, 462.93, 98.16),          

            showBlip = true,
            blipText = "Café Entrance",

            text = "Enter Café",
            textColor = "White",


This script uses a draw-text function on default.
We recommend using either option below for increased optimization.



  • Idle
    • 0.00 - 0.01ms
  • In Use
    • 0.02ms
      • 0.05 - 0.06ms when using the draw text function

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2021-01-06 | Bug Fix | Cannot teleport with vehicle.


Very good low ms teleport script would recommend

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Nodders very poggers :smiley:

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mhm im gonna see this and im gonna write so you have to put a code to enter and im gomma send you


im not able to use the teleporter in a vehicle even while the option is enabled in the config, also is there a way to use the same teleport to go back to the original spot like an elevator?

I’ll take a look at the vehicle part.

You can’t go back to the same spot with this script. You’d have to place another teleport spot to get back or add that feature in the code.

The bug has been fixed and pushed to github.
You can download it again and replace your old client/main.lua file with the new one.

very good script, I would only recommend adding the option that tp can be done with specific work or jobs


Nice <3

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Ive got the problem, each time i access a spot there have to use E, the player fades out. Any help?