[RELEASE] [FREE] guille_gangsv2 (Best FiveM gang script for ESX)

Amazing sharing! You’re the best!

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This script is insane bro. Good job!

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Thank you very much

Good release once again!

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nice script! But I have a question about the boss rank, how does that actually work because I created a gang with only 1 rank but I could not access the boss menu

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It works with the highest rank, it’s not posible I think that you cannot access the boss menu with only a rank, I will investigate if thats a real issue anyway.


That issue, looking the code I think that is not posible. It counts the table an always the biggest rank, is the lenght of the table as you can see.

Oh, I think that xPlayer.identifier can be an issue of people that use license. Working on it.

I pushed an update and your problem must be fixed, try now.

yes it works now, thanks for the quick response :slightly_smiling_face:

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It was a problem with the identifier, it happened because the script has an stand-alone system to get your identifier, and for the boss recogn the script used an ESX function that can give you the steam or you license (depending on what do you use), now the identification system to get identifiers of the script is full stand-alone and the bug related with identification of the player has been fixed :slight_smile:

hi nice release
i have problem with points
i cant see what is the point for

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That’s so extrange, it seems like you ESX ShowHelpNotification limitates the showed text. Just go to the strings of that an make them shorter.

Or change your ESX.ShowHelpNotification for this one.
ESX.ShowHelpNotification = function(msg, thisFrame, beep, duration)

AddTextEntry('esxHelpNotification', msg)

if thisFrame then

    DisplayHelpTextThisFrame('esxHelpNotification', false)


    if beep == nil then beep = true end


    EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, false, beep, duration or -1)



Fixed, download again the script and try again, was due an issue with old extended versions, now the help notifications are stand alone.

i added my steam id and restarted the script but when trying to use the /creategang command its telling me i dont have permissions to use it

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Use it using group, it seems like does not detect your steam.

Nice release

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