[RELEASE] [FREE] guille_gangsv2 (Best FiveM gang script for ESX)

I can’t save my cars in the garage, they getting deleted

Hi, did someone have the updated version converted to ox_inventory?

Hola, alguien tiene la versión de ox_inventory?

i have problem i cant put my gang in hud

Do you know how/what I need to do to add the gang name and grade to Trew Hud? Been searching for days with no luck

Were do the noc spawn at to create a gang?

Nice Script!

I see that we have a little bug when you already in game and try to get de Rank Name after you change the rank of any player :sweat_smile:

hi! were you able to resolve this? if so, how?

as I keep getting this error

and I am using ox_inventory

Se puede duplicar en el armario de mafia ¿Alguna solucion?

im having a few problems when trying to connect it says i need my steam open when i already do have it open? anyone else get this?

SCRIPT ERROR: @guille_gangsv2/Server/Smain.lua:34: table index is nil

i become this error im f8 console and the notice creategang is not a command

When i start my server this error comes up in TxAdmin.

Could somebody help me?

para cambiar la tecla del f11

did you solved the isssue

someone can help me to add qb-inventory to guillegangsv2 framework esx

I have a problem when I disconnect and reconnect I have to redo the /setgang command because I lose my role which would solve this problem and I play with license and not with steam

Possible concerted ox_lib…

Any1 have this converted to qbcore

you have guille gangs whit ox lib?

guille gangsv2 with ox lib or esx_menu_deafult. anyone have??

dude i have a problem when i put in /creategang it says that it doesn’t exists the command when in the chat shows the /creategroup command.

and yes, i have /setgroup me admin.