This is the source code for Faroeste Roleplay when it’s 1.0 version was released
We’re not sure if everything is working as should, as we’ve abandoned it some time ago, still, it’s pretty advanced and has some unique features to it.
We figured out it’d be better if we shared it after hearing about it being distributed without permission or/and credits. Enjoy!
Now I’m working o version 2.0
Faroeste Roleplay Server 2.0v
I’m done the new character creation for the FRP Framework.
and actually working on a new inventory.
To get more informations or support to install, access our discord link below
Criei meu char mais de 5 vezes, deletei e reinstalei o banco umas 3 vezes.
a 1a vez a carroça bateu em saint denis e ficou presa, as outras vezes, antes de sair da 1a ponte, o cara vêw algo (acho q um jacaré), sai da carruagem e o jogo fica lá, parado sem poder fazer nada.
A outra vez que consegui chegar na cidade, meu char ficou sem corpo, invisível…
Tem algum jeito de corrigir isso por favor?