[Release][Free] Ban&Whitelist Using Discord Bot

:raised_hand: Hello This Is a Addon For DiscordBot script.
It will allow you to Whitelist & Ban people Using Discord Commands in your discord.
This Addon Does Not Have Any Form of Framework Dependency Like ESX or anything else beside The Bot Itself.

Commands That will be added :pen: :

  • banid serverid : Ban an Online Player
  • banoffline identifier : Ban a offline Player
  • unban identifier : Unban a Player using their Identifier
  • addwhitelist identifier : Whitelist a Player
  • removewhitelist identifier : Remove a Player from Whitelist

Dependecy :
Fivem DiscordBot

Github :

How To Install :pencil2: :
Move BanWhiteList folder to your DiscordBot script folder.
Then add this to the DiscordBot fxmanifest.lua file :

server_scripts {
files {

nice release :+1:

1 Like

Nice :+1::ok_hand:

very nice, thanks for sharing

Awli Pesar

Excellent ! :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

what is the point of releasing a free script that has a paid script as dependency…


Change the title dude. Why free when you have to pay for something in order to use it ? This is a joke, these things needs to stop on this community.

‘‘Here you go guys, my script for FREE, but you have to pay for something else in order to use it’’