[RELEASE] [FREE] AV-Vangelico UPDATED by v0dka ~~ move to releases

~~ Disclaimer i am not the original author of this script i just fixed a few problems ~~

First off big thanks to AV for releasing this script for free.

I have done some changes and modifications to the script:
*Each breakable stand is now synced with other players so multiple players cant rob the same stand multiple times.
*Fixed robbery status being synced i.e all clients can now rob a stand where as before only the owning client could
*Updated some variable names to english (for easier reading for myself and others going forward)
*Fix’s on timer calcs but planning on switching this server side in the near future
*Fixed aninations going through the glass when smashing them and also thermite animation
*Changed smoke colour (can change it back in the client script if you want the orange smoke)
*Updated the particles so they despawn, previously would stay there forever or until script restart *some other minor changes here and there

You can find the updated version here:
Github link

or direct download here:
Direct download from github release

if you want to know more information about this script you can check out AV’s post here:
AV’s Forum Post with pictures videos and more…

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You’re not the original other. Don’t release others work

If this is already been released, append the fixes/updates to the original topic and/or PR it to the original repository.