how can i change the duration?
I think you would have to download the source code, and edit the client files and recompile it, dont know much about C since it is pretty different than lua.
wondering this too
api banning people when throwing flashbang any fix? What explosion creating flashbang when throwing?
Does the flashbang have a hash ?
Have you tried using the IsObjectVisible native?
I don’t work on it anymore so no. I don’t do FiveM at all anymore. I just check the forums.
I’ve done this but it still will not spawn
So I got it in my inventory but I’m unable to equip it to throw it. Any ideas?
I made a version that checks for collisions and stacks the effect properly. Can i re-release it with credit?
Please do, i’d love to have it
Resource files are inside resource_data.
Push a pull request instead. Thats the whole reason its open source the way it is. If you make improvments thats fine but push it to the original repo instead of distributing a different version of it. Keep it in one place.
Will do, thanks for the quick response.
Oh sorry. I will take care of that now. I have been busy all day. I guess I forgot to remove the archive before leaving the house today.
I fixed it. Sorry about that.
I added the pull request with a 4.0 release.
Merged. You can post an “Update” comment on this topic of all the things you have changed if you’d like. Thats the beauty of open source and merging pull requests and public forums!
Don’t forget to change the download link to the 4.0 release.