[RELEASE] Flashbang

how tf you get it

Is there an updated version of the flashbang?

it doesn’t work for me it doesn’t add the flashbang to the server

Could you release this? This is Awesom!

nice release, but if i give me the Weapon WEAPON_FLASHBANG it says +1 Undefinied
It’s not working for me. Any help?

Open es_extended folder then run Config.weapons.lua And add this line:

		label = _U('weapon_flashbang'),
		components = {}
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I’ll try that now, thanks!

btw could you update the Showcase Video? Thanks

Not sure about that.

I mean a Showcase Video from the Flashbang. Or @xander1998 can you upload a new one??

Ah. Yeah i can

Thank you so much! It is working now :slightly_smiling_face: Nice Flashbang

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Enjoy That :smiley:

DM me


Can someone please help me install it.
Everytime i install it i can’t spawn a flashbang

Move Script File to Resources
start script and add this line to es_extended, config.weapons :

		label = _U('weapon_flashbang'),
		components = {}

How to do it in vRP?

i dont know anything about vRP

is there a way to remove the (flash) and just have the animation… i have a few people in my server that have sensitive eyes but really want to use it

Just installed it and it works perfect.
Only thing i would like to know is:

Is it possible to fade out the effect ? Now it just stops instant and your back to normal.

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Nice build man.

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