[This has been removed]
Love the script… it may be another discord bot, but this one is better then the other it has more to it. keep it up
Thank you for your feedback, also if you got any suggestions, just tell me
Really cool with the time! Didn’t think of that
Finally! This is actually a really nice script, and my server happens to use the discord bot quite frequently.
A few suggestions for future updates.
The ability to blacklist/hide certain commands from appearing in the discord channel. (Ex. /fix, /revive, special commands that should only be known by certain people.)
The ability to specify “special” commands. For example, when you type in /ooc , have it output to discord as. OOC: I like snails. RATHER than /ooc I like snails.
< Example 1
< Example 2
I love This Script!!
Is there not a way to send discord chat ingame?
That is not possible afaik
I am working on it
Works well, and great made. Love it!
Oh, it’s possible alright.
Look into http://runtime.fivem.net/doc/reference.html#_0xf5c6330c
If you don’t mind, how did you do this?
Do you want it to show the Caller ID too?
Also, what is that number after the name? Server or Client ID?
Yes, caller ID too, that is the server ID. The one that is displayed on the scoreboard.
Updated to v1.1.0
- Added version check
- Added special commands check
- Added blacklisted commands check
- Fixed a bug with the death message

Download in the First Post!
(Gotta love the character limit)
Looks like i have found a bug , or im plain stupid
It does not show the killing log of who kills who
Hmm, it was working for me
Hmmm, that seems weird , me and a friend went on a killing spree for the test , it shows me the suicides but not the actual kill log for some reason. Do you think clearing server cache would help fix this problem?
Or is there an option in the script you need to set to true for it to work?
Thanks in advance!
There is no toggle. You could try clearing the cache.
Updated to v1.2.0
- Added 'How Killed’
- Changed the look of the Date / Time