Hmm , i think therer is still some sort of bug in there , sallvain killed 3 officers but the log only shows 2
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
also i forgot to mention we have a script in called RPDeath , could this affect this?
@Flatracer It doesnt show when someone dies or kills someone
Yep, this is probably the problem.
@Daveyentim1 Do you use this resource too?
Is there a way to print all the admin commands too, for example see in discord if someone types /givemoney ID amount and other commands?
That is what it does by default, it prints every entered command, only the blacklisted and special commands will not printed.
(You can change blacklisted and special commands, check the server.lua
Its not printing admin commands, for example if i type in /car zentorno or /givemoney 1 15000 it doesnt print out anything to Discord, but it does print commands like /ooc and /tweet.
I have tried with /announce, /givemoney, /car, /dv and /setjob
yeah i got that script too
Great release, thanks.
That is weird, I will get in contact with you about this after nye
Is it possible to have 3 different webhooks
1: Chat
2: Server start + log in / log out
3: Killing logs
Thanks in advance!
using essentialmode and /ooc isnt working wont show /ooc chat.
It only shows when they force /respawn on that player that got killed , else it wont show
How would I make it so that it only displays the /999 in a discord channel no more?
Now, I’m officially pushing the limits here with my suggestions . Maybe, possibly, steam avatars for the discord bot picture?
Sort of like this.
Done! Will be released today or tomorrow.
(20 Characters)
local CurrentVersion = '1.3.1'
0-0. You forgot to change the current version.