[release] fivem-appearance

This and ox_appearance are great examples of baking fivem-appearance into your framework of preference.

You shouldn’t change the default database schema of your framework in favor of a specific script unless you have a good reason.

I discourage any other fivem-appearance fork that requires database changes. Using this resource in your server is as simple as converting fivem-appearance appearance format to your framework default.

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is there any way to make the clothing shop not have the scarfs/chains in the menu so i can make a jewelry shop with the chains as items

if i disable the components that i want to will other jobs still be able to access them or i will have to make them all items if i wanna use them



RegisterNetEvent(‘fivem-appearance:saveOutfit’, function()
local keyboard = exports[“nh-keyboard”]:KeyboardInput({
header = “Name Outfit”,
rows = {
id = 0,
txt = “”

RegisterNUICallback(“dataPost”, function(data, cb)
TriggerEvent(data.event, data.arg1, data.arg2, data.arg3)

yes, it is possible to turn it off in the menu

Hello, how can I change the camera and the position of the character? I want to change it to its location


depends on how you want to change it

Anyone know how to fix this issue im having with loaf_housing.

Hello there is a problem for some reason not put on the bags and bags immediately disappear, what can or need to do that they were not lost

how do you do that?

so what all does this replace? do i delete the esx skinchanger and esx clothesshops?

get it going?

Prison clothes don’t come out right can you help

please help i keep getting a error msg that says im missing stuff but whn i look in the file its all there so idk wat to do

I do not know which one you downloaded since the fxmanifest does not bring that

I recommend you better use illenium-appearance brings that option

can illenium-appearance convert from skinchanger on qbcore ?

If compatible

How would someone simply open the fivem-appearance for clothing change with a chat command? Is this possible? I know there are many exports, I am just not sure how to register a command to call up an export or something.

I recommend you change to illenium-appearance since it brings it by default