[Release] Fire Script [OneSync]

Leave me a DM with a more detailed description of your problem and I’ll gladly help you :slight_smile:

Looks cool but i got the same problem as a bunch of other people no matter what i try as far as ace permissions i get insufficient permissions everytime. I am using vmenu and the server is updated to latest

I still haven’t been able to reproduce any similar problem. I’ll try to update my artifact and see if that changes anything and will get back to you guys after a more extensive testing. Until then I am afraid I cannot help you. Use /firewl to bypass this issue.

I havent tried clearing server cache yet but i will the current game build is 2060

When i try the firewl nothing happens I try the registerfire command after that but I still get insufficient permissions im not seeing any errors in my F8 console.

Great ! 100 % working, good job !

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Love this script works really well. Would it be possible to adjust the /registerfire and /startfire commands to take a vector3 (x,y,z) maybe as last argument so if it’s null you can use the players location still. It would help in scenario scripting. Unless I missed it in the docs ?

I’ll have a look at it over the weekend, thanks for the suggestion and the kind words. :slight_smile:

Thank you Sir Appriciate you

Do you know what files you modified or would you be willing to share? I have vrp2 as well and would love to get the dispatch working since the perm system isn’t working without whitelisting.

I use his: GitHub - AceDax/CSGs-vRP2
there after I add in vrp2_functions/client.lua

line 115:
function Functions: onDuty ()
exports [“rp-radio”]: GivePlayerAccessToFrequencies (1, 2, 3, 4)
TriggerServerEvent (‘fireDispatch: registerPlayer’, -1, subscribe) – add it

function Functions: offDuty ()
exports [“rp-radio”]: RemovePlayerAccessToFrequencies (1, 2, 3, 4)
TriggerServerEvent (‘fireDispatch: removePlayer’, -1, unsubscribe) – add it

after that go to
/vrp/cfg/groups.lua add:

vRP.EXT.Functions.remote._onDuty (user.source) in line 12

vRP.EXT.Functions.remote._offDuty (user.source)
and line 29

vRP.EXT.Functions.remote._onDuty (user.source)
and line 41

vRP.EXT.Functions.remote._offDuty (user.source)
and line 49

Hi I come from the dl but unfortunately no fire spawn I would like to know how you did it





No Preasure at all, just wondering if you managed to take a look

I released a new version yesterday which contains what you’d requested. Hope the script will serve you well. :slight_smile:

I did not see that :slight_smile: sorry about that and thank you!

would you like enhancement requests in here or in the issues on Git for future reference?

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Should you have any further request it’d be best if you created an issue on GitHub. Thanks :slight_smile:

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If I create 5 fires how do I know what fire is what?

You’re given the IDs right after you create a fire / add a flame. As of now there’s no way of determining the IDs without knowing them. I will probably add commands which would help with this in the near future.

That would be cool, I can work around it by not letting anyone else start fires so the program generates the fire catalog esentially. Really loving it