Hey everyone here is a little script I have put together in the past month and I use it for our Fire/EMS department to easily clock in. This is my first TRUE release on the forums. I would like to thank everyone in the discords that I am in for helping me learn and advance my knowledge with FiveM, so i am giving out a simple and basic but very useful script!
There isn’t any real “list” for that kind of request. Its more or less finding each one on the map and viewing the peds coords and adding them to the table. But i can def add more locations if i can find them all. Otherwise if you have ymaps thats on you to add them.
Does it have permissions yet / are you planing on adding that in a future update? Any Ways thanks for your hard work on developing scripts for the community and I cant wait to try out this script.
That doesn’t make sense? Have a ped whitelist to be whitelisted on a script that makes you the ped thats whitelisted? Unless your talking about checking IsPlayerAceAllowed(whateverhere). Or what you can do is add steam ids into a table and check if the player is in that table by using playerSpawned rather than running a loop to check if the player is allowed.