Note that this resource is an Example and was not designed to be used as a handling editor for your server.
It is also absolutely unfinished and possibly unstable.
Apparently some of the handing properties require research to how/if they work, from my testing, things like Centre of Mass offsets, Mass and maybe some other values don’t properly work, so beware of that
I added a few functions to make setting and getting handling data easier for me, you can of course disregard that, but i recommend looking at GetAllVehicleHandlingData
Everything Code related you want to read up on is in base.lua
, commented too, but here is the short version:
sets the vehicle handling property, useful for setting single values
this returns the data that, although not necesarilly needed, useful if you just want to get the value of one single property
this returns all handling properties and their values in a table, the table will have following contents:
"name" = the name of the property
"value" = a number, string or vector3
"type" = the type: int, float or vector3
has a working example ( using WarMenu ) on how to use the code that is documented above, commented too.
Download: Here
Example Video: