[Release][ESX] [Vangelico Robbery] V 2.0.0 / 2019 SEPTEMBER 02

Your problem is that you dont have weight in your items table in the database :stuck_out_tongue:
I just replaced weight with limit so i could import the sql without any issues. But its also not working haha

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thank you that worked!
i love you!!!

So this script is now 100% working for you?

yes its working now thank you

I tried adding an sql to the database for this, but get this message


SQL query:


MySQL said: Documentation

#1046 - No database selected


SQL query:


MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '?jewels?, ?Jewels?, 1)' at line 2

Was thinking the same, did you find the way to do that ?

Also, cannot get a bag which is accepted for the roberry. Everytime, I have a message ā€œget a bag to start the robbery. Go to the closest clothe shopā€

Hey love this script but there are some flaws, One being when the store is on cool down and you shoot the alarm still goes off. Its pretty much an infinite alarm with no way to turn it off. If you could update this to disable the alarm completely or make it so the alarm only goes off when the store can actually be robbed. Otherwise great script! I hope to see more improvements on this!

love this script havent had any problems with it except for one little thingā€¦ it works pretty well if ur robbing it aloneā€¦ but if i take another friend to rob it they cant break the jewelery cases so is there any way to fix this ?!

This resource is insecure.

AddEventHandler('esx_vangelico_robbery:gioielli', function()
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	xPlayer.addInventoryItem('jewels', math.random(Config.MinJewels, Config.MaxJewels))

AddEventHandler('lester:vendita', function()

	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	local reward = math.floor(Config.PriceForOneJewel * Config.MaxJewelsSell)

	xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('jewels', Config.MaxJewelsSell)

Anyone can trigger these events and give themselves jewels and sell them, without even starting the heistā€¦


How can I replace the black money reward when selling jewelry?

Hello everyone, the script does not work well for meā€¦ When i go to lester, it wonā€™t sell anything. I see press E. but it wonā€™t sell anything.

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Ye i got the same problem found anything to fix it yet?

How can I make it single press E sell, and each press E takes 3 seconds to cool down!Sorry English not good

Hi, thx for the share. Im having a problem with the weight, when i start the robbery it ignore the max weight limit, i have es_extended max weight config in 115, esx_inventoryhud maxweight in 115 and in the database i have correctly set the weights of every items. Can someone help me please


unknown I get this message in the database

with ā€œmath.abs (the exact money they want plus a zero)ā€

How can i add more jobs for the notification? Like i have police and fbi on my server and i want that fbi becomes the messages and radar on map too?

Hello, how are u? I have a question. ĀæHow can i change the position of the ā€œVitrinas robadas: 0/20ā€ (Smash_case) on the screen?


Thank u <3.