[Release] [ESX] UteKnark - Grow weed outdoors [Abandoned]

“version” is “FXServer-master SERVER v1.0.0.1972 win32”
default: “FXServer-master SERVER v1.0.0.1972 win32”

This is the version I’m running now. And the only thing I changed in your resource is the locales/en-US.lua. So I `m pretty sure that this was the problem, even with the old version of the server.

But as you say, anyway, problem solved. And whatever little bugs there are, this resource is a must-have on every server. Keep up the good work.

Yes, well, literally hundreds of servers do not have that problem, so I still think it’s very odd.

Glad you like the resource! It was kinda fun to develop, though the ESX-ified version that was released is not as secure as the original Paradise resource.

@Demonen You made a very good release here, maybe you could add a plantpot and allow users to choose between planting it on the field or in a plantpot, using the same time variation to grow and on and on.

Cheers mate :wink:

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Had the same tough last night :smiley: Really nice idea.

@Demonen Thanks for your great script. Is there any way to restrict how many plants player can plant?

Sorry, but I won’t be extending this resource at all.
Feel free to fork it and do as you wish, obviously. The MIT license is very liberal.

Restrict their access to seeds, I guess?
The script itself doesn’t even know who “owns” each plant, and it would require a major restructuring of the code to implement that. To what end? If you’re worried about performance, point out the issues and I’ll try to improve the performance of the script, but I won’t do a major rewrite to implement any per-user limitations.

Well. Whatever the problem was, it`s not there anymore, so cheers! :slight_smile:

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OK thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

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@Demonen I did a few tests with Time. Setting up TimeMultiplier = 1 , Soil = 1.0 and Grow time = 10 for each stage. It takes 10mins for a plant to grow one stage. When I set Soil = 0.1 one stage takes 1 min. Looks like it’s the same with TimeMultiplier . Setting lower parameters for Soil and/or TimeMultiplier causes quicker growth . It is the opposite to what you have in config.lua descriptions.

The comment in config.lua is
-- Multiplier for the growth/tend times
If you multiply 10 minutes by 0.1 you will get one minute, so that one is correct.

The Soil comment is…

        -- What soil types can you grow on, and what are their multiplers/divisors? Higher is better.
        -- 0.5 means growing takes twice the time and you have half as much time to tend or harvest

…and I’m pretty sure that is accurate as well?
Am I wrong? Did I accidentally flip grow/tend?

if stageData.interact then
                    local relevantTime = plant.data.time + ((growthTime / soilQuality) * Config.TimeMultiplier)
                    if now >= relevantTime then
                        verbose('Plant',id,'has died: No interaction in time')
                    local relevantTime = plant.data.time + ((growthTime * soilQuality) * Config.TimeMultiplier)
                    if now >= relevantTime then
                        if plant.data.stage < #Growth then
                            verbose('Plant',id,'has grown to stage',plant.data.stage + 1)
                            cropstate:update(id, plant.data.stage + 1)
                            verbose('Plant',id,'has died: Ran out of stages')

if stageData.interact then means it’s not a growth stage, though. Interactions are for tending and harvesting.
I’ll likely look into it when I have more time available.

Edit: BTW, pull requests are very welcome, so long as it’s fixes and not feature creep.

Great script! Works in my server flawlessly, but im curious. once you get the weed pooch after the weed is done growing, where do you go to sell it?

I put weed_seed on my DB but i cant get the item some one can help me plz?
Like wen i put another item for the necessarie item to grow the plant its works…

Selling it is not part of this script at all. It focuses on growing the weed, and specifically aims to do only that.
There are a bunch of scripts available for selling it on the streets, exporting it, using it etc etc. Just adjust the items in the UteKnark configuration to match what those scripts expect.

Getting a hold of the seeds is not a part of UteKnark. You can simply sell them in a shop, if you want, or you can give them out manually with some kind of /giveitem command.

can someone help me so that plants can only be planted in the markers provided?

That’s almost exactly the opposite of what this script is supposed to do, so what you are asking for is a major change to the script.
I guess something could be worked out using Paradise Area, as has aready been mentioned in this thread, I think.

I’m not going to do it, however, but anyone is warmly welcome to fork on GitHub and do it. MIT License and all that.

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Nice script, but I have a question. I was searching but I didn’t find it… Where can I find a map of soil types ? In config.lua there are lines with IDs and multiplers and I would want to know where is the best soil for it. Thanks for reply. :heart: