[Release] [ESX] UteKnark - Grow weed outdoors [Abandoned]

There are thousands of materials in GTAV. I’ve done my best to find the suitable soil types, but it’s almost impossible to make a map that isn’t just … the GTAV map.

You can do /uteknark debug if you have access to the command. That’ll tell you the soil right in front of you as you move around. If you just need a one-shot of the soil right where you would plant if you planted right now, do /uteknark groundmat

The commands are listed in the code.

Thank you so much for reply. Have a nice day. :heart:

Sure thing. Best of luck with it, and enjoy to the extent possible.

I really enjoy you script - But I really want to change the script so the plants dosent catch fire when you harvest, but I can’t really find it in the code, can you help with this?

The plant is not supposed to catch fire when you harvest. It’s supposed to catch fire when you destroy it.

The burn effect can be disabled in the configuration.

Then theres a error somewhere, I have not changed anything with the burn effect, but when I harvest the plant it catches fire.

What button are you using to harvest the plant? What does the action prompt say? What is the yield?

Pressing E to harvest
Yields between 5 - 7 the 3 times i just tried.
Actions promt says E to harvest or Q to destroy

You’re right. That’s … not intended. Will fix, just hang on.
It comes from the plant being removed because of the harvest.

Odd that I didn’t catch this in testing, and that nobody has reported it, but it’s fixed now.
I’m just preparing a release/upload, it’ll be 1.1.3 in just a few minutes.

Edit: Done. Fixed. Uploaded.

Having a bug where when people plant and hit stage 5/6the plant dissapears?

I do want to state im on OneSync if that has to do…

As near as I can tell, it has to do with the LOD settings for the second model.
I haven’t been able to reproduce the problem, however, so it’s just guesswork as of yet.

Have the afflicted players check their settings? Maybe something is turned way down?

hello I want to ask after I have weed_pooch … how to sell it ?? because some sell scripts don’t support the item thank you

UteKnark is for growing the dope, not for selling it. You’ll need a separate resource for that.
If you want UteKnark to produce something other than weed_pooch, change it in the configuration.

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Hello i love your script. But in stage 4/5 my plant disappears an reappers. Checked the logs and couldnt find anything. Is it possible to disable the time that it dies? So i can change the multiplier too 0.002. or can you show me how to configure so the whole process takes 10 minutes.

The plant is supposed to disappear and then reappear for every stage.
The prop for stage 4 is removed, and the prop for stage 5 is created. This is not supposed to take more than a couple of seconds.

There is currently no way to completely disable the the removal of unattended plants. This is for performance reasons. If unattended plants were not removed, people could plant stuff and forget about it, and over the next couple of months performance would just get worse and worse until it became unbearable.

You can edit cropstate.lua to change the times, including making the interacted stages stupidly long, if you want. Like, you can set them to be a year, if you don’t care about performance at all, or all your players have perfect memory. That’s also where you’d set it up so the whole process takes 10 minutes, if you are entirely intent on ruining the whole point of the script.

Absolutely no support will be given as to exactly how to ruin it, so read what is already in there very carefully before starting. I highly suggest testing it out on a test server before rolling that kind of changes into production, as it might ruin it for people that already have plants out and a plan to deal with the wait times.

Best of luck!

hi i need help im getting this popping up in my f8 menu

cropstate.lua:54: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘plant’)

any help would be great thanks in advance btw love your script

Anything above or below it to indicate how it might have gotten there?
This looks like the client is trying to update a plant that is not present in the octree instance.

I don’t know how the script could obtain an invalid plant ID, but there might be a delete/update race condition, I guess?

How often are you seeing this?
Did you modify anything anywhere?

im seeing it very rarely other then that everything works flawlessy theres nothing above or below it either

How often is “very rarely”?
Did you modify anything anywhere?