[Release] [ESX] UteKnark - Grow weed outdoors [Abandoned]

“all the soil types” are literally thousands of materials.

I suggest you put UteKnark i debug mode and walk around. It’ll show you what soil you’re near.
To do this, say /uteknark debug

To get a one-shot test of the ground material at the planting location right in front of you, say /uteknark groundmat

Note that you need access to the command to do this. It uses the regular ACE permissions.

Is it possible to duplicate this script for other drugs like cocaine, meth, and Opium. - Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You want to … grow meth?
Cocaine bushes might be possible, I guess, but then you’d have to process it. Same thing with opium poppies.

It’s open source and on GitHub, so feel free to fork it and make what you want from it. I won’t be extending it any further.

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Hi, its posible to select just an area for farming the weed? I mean. I don´t want the people to farm it at anyplace, just in a place that I decide. ( A hiden weed farm )


That’s almost exactly the opposite of the purpose of this script, though.
No, it has no functionality to limit where you can plant, save for checking that the soil is viable.

I guess you could build in some kind of limitation like that (I even released a resource that can help!), but this is is so far out of the original scope that I will not be adding it myself.

Feel free to fork on GitHub, and good luck!

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Does the plant dissapear after some time in stage 6 cause i set the time in lib/growth to like 10 min each stage so in all it was like 45 min for at plant to growth, i sat afk for like an hour when i came back the plants were gone?

Yes, when the final stage times out, the plant is considered dead, and is removed.
This is so the map doesn’t get littered with forgotten weed.

ahh so in lib/growth the time for tend and the final stage is how much time the plant will stay untouch in one of the given stages?

In any of the interactive stages, if you don’t tend it in time, it will die.
The last stage is interactive, and the tending is the actual picking of the product. If you don’t pick it in time, it will die.

people planted drugs without any problem… but at the server restart, this happen and plants doesn’t spawn ingame

and when i plant a seed, in the F8 console I get this…

but I can still tend the plants etc

Did you modify cropstate.lua at all?

Do you have any map mods that might place any point on the map outside the regular island, such as opening up North Yankton?

“does not fit in node at level 0” is when a point is outside the bounds of the octree, and the octree should cover the entire island and then some.

You can change this line…

…to enlarge the area covered by the octree. The first vector3 is the center point, the second vector3 is the size.

Changing the size did work :slight_smile:

but I don’t have any ymap in the water etc
But I use vMenu and I know there is north yankton, might be that.


Glad it helped. Just keep your change in mind if you upgrade UteKnark, as you’ll need to make the change again :open_mouth:

Hi. I really like this release.But I have an issue, I installed it and it works (in general), but wen I use the seed, it does plant, and the functions are ok. but there is no menu, it just says - locale [en-US] does not exist. And I don`t know how to fix it. I would be very disappointed if I can’t use this on my server, because of this problem.

And this happens in the console.

What version/build/artifact is your cfx-server? (Type version in the server console to find out)
Looks like you’re running a very old one.

“version” is "FXServer-master SERVER v1.0.0.886 win32cfx> "
default: “FXServer-master SERVER v1.0.0.886 win32”

I guess it is old. How can I update?

Yeah, that version is from November 22nd 2018. It’s not old, it is ancient.
I suggest you use one released in the last 6 months at least, and recommend you use one released this year.

Looks like you’re using Windows, and windows builds are here:

I did the update, But the problem is stil there. Now it does not show problem in the console, but still says “Locale [en-US] does not exist”.

It`s all good man. Problem resolved. I reinstalled it after the update of the server. an added ‘‘en-US’’ in( ’ locales/*.lua’ ) making it ( ’ locales/en-US.lua’ ) in /__resource.lua. And everything is perfect. Thank you for this resource, it may be the best of them all :slight_smile: .

locales/*.lua literally means “All the .lua files in the locales directory”, so it works fine just the way it was.
No idea why you had to change it. Maybe you did the update wrong, and you’re still running an absurdly old sever build?

Anyway, whatever, problem solved. Enjoy to the extent possible.