[Release] [ESX] Tattoos Shops

nvm i fixed it

how to fix it ?

Please publish your script removing tattoos

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increased the time for the event that the client asks for the tattoos and on the event that it fails i then added a chat command for /tats so if they dont spawn on you you can force them to

its a very simple script just add a marker then make create a function to set the database entry for tattoos to {} then clearpedoverlay() and youll be sweet i made one in about an hour just would out the ped standing there that part wouldnt be to hard

if you dont know how to make a interactive marker (press e to remove tattoos) or what ever just find a script that has a marker and copy and paste what you need then just add the functions you wants after the player presses e

Hi I want to ask for why the first 5 tattoos are saved, and when i add more and I restart the server, the rest are not saved.

If somone know why it happens please tell me how to put more than 5 tattoos saved! I cheked the files but I dont find anything!

Check database: users -> tattos and change “tattoos” to LONGTEXT.

Thanks mate, now i can more than 5!

Dont change to longtext. It will mess up with mysql-async

so what i should do for have more than 5 tattoos ?

AddEventHandler('esx_ambulancejob:revive', function()
	ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_tattooshop:requestPlayerTattoos', function(tattooList)
		if tattooList then
			for k,v in pairs(tattooList) do
				ApplyPedOverlay(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(v.collection), GetHashKey(Config.TattooList[v.collection][v.texture].nameHash))

			currentTattoos = tattooList

put this in esx_tattoosshops>client>main.lua
after 5 seconds upon revive, the tattoos load again


Awesome fix @Ezio362 I know there were two people on the github that was looking for this. I did test it, and for me it didn’t work at the bottom of the client.lua but worked perfectly above OpenShopMenu.

hey, is it possible to enable camera controle?

I can only see my own tattoo but others cant. I cant also dee their tattoos.

u gotta to remove it in the Database, i think “users”

Is there any way we can get an actual copy of this script? Some of us are slightly less illiterate with Lua. :slight_smile:
Thank you in advance.

do you mind sharing the script for the command, ive never created one and would like to see an example

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is this script have a remove tattoo ? Thanks in advance.

I have a problem in a server which I can do around 5-6 tattoos and then I don’t get a preview and the tattoos don’t get saved. It’s set on longtext and not sure when else to do or suggest that might fix my problem, it’s happening only to me between around 50ppl. We’ve tried to reset the script on me but keeps happening.

anyone know if there are any issues with multi-character support like kashactors?