[Release] [ESX/QBCore] ev-platechanger

any updates for this on qb-core? wanting to add custom license plates that the user can change themselves rather than staff having to do it via database

I have not joined my test server in a long time. I usually just code without testing and it works 88% of the time. However, since I don’t have much experience in qb, I would need to experiment with it. You probably just need to change some stuff in the way it inserts data into your db.

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thanks for your reply, I will take a look and let you know of my findings

Yes please. It might work on some garages and it might not on others due to the db structure.

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hey please i added the item in shared and i started the script but not working i use the item but nothing show and there is no error
i use qbcore framework any help?

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what do you key press for complete

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There is a Problem with the Syntax.

Using ESX Vehicleshop tried without space or with space in the config for the licenseplate for example:
“XYZ 123” or “XYZ123” for “XYZ 123” it is working.
But when a player is naming his licenseplate like any other than “XYZ 123” than the car is not owned but in the database it is.
However you have to have the Syntax “XYZ 123” with the Space in the Middle otherwise not working for me.

Is there any chance to do a script that when the player is not using this syntax he gets a message like “Wrong Syntax Use XYZ 123 instead”?

this what i been looking for, thank you! but it did not work for me, I tried to add the sql to my database and i get this error

INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
	('licenseplate', 'License Plate', 1)
MySQL said: Documentation

#1146 - Table 'zap991699-1.items' doesn't exist

This is probably just me not knowing a whole lot about this stuff yet, but I’m getting this error when I press INSERT or click confirm after entering a plate. Am I doing something wrong here?

[  86053484] [    GTAProcess]        CrBrowserMain/ Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch (@platechanger/html/js/script.js:51)

Has to be ev-platechanger.

Works like a charm now! Thank you so much!