[Release] [ESX/QBCore] ev-platechanger


A simple NUI plate changer.




  • ESX Version
  • NUI to pick plate


  • QBCore version (Done)
  • Random plate
  • Suggestions?

Feel free to do whatever you want since this is you just to prove to people that stuff is easier than they believe.


Paid Plate Changer for $34 :heart:


  • Design changes
  • Logo or something
  • Others

Nice script, men, I like your work. Can you put bottoms of confirm and deny?


Sure. I’ll think of adding it in the next update after I make the qbcore version

Bombay nice one.
You love snow

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good job man :+1: :+1:, I think you are more worthy of people giving you money for this resource :rofl:

If don’t need a beautiful ui, this resource is really easy to make

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Yep. And people can easily change the UI if they don’t like it with the source being public. :heart:

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bomba rocks again

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Looks cool

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Looks good. Nice release.

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is there a sql that goes along with this?

you need to add item licenseplate to items table. i.g. INSERT INTO items (name, label, limit, rare, can_remove) VALUES (‘licenseplate’, ‘Licence Plate’, 1, 0, 1);
or weight instead of limit depending on columns in your items table.

I just woke up to this. Kind of mean but I’ll be updating with an sql item and some other stuff.:wink:

I updated it a little.

  • Support QBCore (not sure if the SQL will work)
  • Fix vulnerabilities on setting plate event.
  • Added check to see if you’re the driver.
  • Remove callback to instead check everything server side.

I’ll clean up server-side after I check how gmatt works.

Since people on this forum are great at derailing topics, the first person to do so again will be suspended. Keep it ontopic


I’m currently trying to use this on QBCore and for some reason when I try to use the command “/giveitem 1 licenseplate 1” It says it’s an invalid item. Not sure if you know about this or if it’s just me.

add licenseplate item to your database, I assume that will help.

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Honestly I have no idea how. There isn’t an “items” category in my database.

Prob need to add the item to your qb-core shared.lua file as an item, also add a .png file image for the picture of it for your inventory into the qb-inventory HTML/Images folder too :slight_smile:


Thank you for the explaining to him. I was about to kms when I was seeing all the items instead of db

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Thank you for this. I spent 2 hours making the exact same thing before i found this xD Oh well. People need to stop paying for overpriced scripts so again, thank you.

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