[Release] esx_np_skinshop (UPDATE)

I have this error

dunno if someone has problems with number of textures but i had
theres my fix

RegisterNUICallback("color", function(data, cb)
	if dados < 100 then
		if data == "left" then
			if cor ~= 0 then cor = cor - 1 else cor = GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(GetPlayerPed(-1),dados,tipo)-1 end
		elseif data == "right" then
			if cor ~= GetNumberOfPedTextureVariations(GetPlayerPed(-1),dados,tipo)-1 then cor = cor + 1 else cor = 0 end
		elseif dados >= 100 then
		if data == "left" then
			if cor ~= 0 then cor = cor - 1 else cor = GetNumberOfPedPropTextureVariations(GetPlayerPed(-1),dados-100,tipo)-1 end
		elseif data == "right" then
			if cor ~= GetNumberOfPedPropTextureVariations(GetPlayerPed(-1),dados-100,tipo)-1 then cor = cor + 1 else cor = 0 end
	if dados and tipo then setRoupa(dados, tipo, cor) end

just replace the func in menu.lua

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charachter reset
im unsing skincreator and when users go to shop to buy new clothes they charachter will be go default :expressionless:


Converted it to vrp2, works great. Thx for the release

I put the script in the right place and started it, but it doesn’t work

Any Idea if you are going to do one for Hair Cuts also?

Same problem with error line 373 attempt to index a nil value (local ‘skin’)
also skin doesn’t save everytime i login it loads default, i think this 2 problems are related

1 more question is it possible to disable player action while menu is open ?? i mean when you click with LMB (Left mouse button) it doesn’t attack (in case you are wearing no weapon ) or shoot in case you have weapon in your hands ?

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It doesn’t affect anything, but when you’re leaving the store without buying anything nor having bought any clothes before, it tries to go back to its first cloth, since you don’t have any, it just doesn’t recognize what you’re trying to change to. Again, doesn’t affect anything.

hey, ever found a fix?

You find No fix ? :frowning:

how did you convert it?
im creating a swedish server and can i get a copy of yours ?

Nice job man, thanks for sharing.
When I added the folder and start my server the folowing error is displaying(“Could not find dependency es_extended for resource esx_np_skinshop_v2-master” / Couldn’t start resource esx_np_skinshop_v2-master.).
Could u please help me?
Need I have the panteon key to add it?
Thanks in advanced.

Hello, very nice work but i have 1 problem:
I can’t press any button while in the menu (esc to leave, a/d to rotate,…)
When im in the menu i have to force-close fivem to get back in the server.
Because it won’t let me out anymore.
Anyone who can help me with this problem/had the same one.

Make it be like:

if not hasPaid then
	TriggerEvent('esx_skin:getLastSkin', function(skin)
                   if skin ~= nil then
		         TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin)

The issue with the error that all you have should be fixed.

However, I also can’t use the resource because the register identity does not pop-up when joining with a new character plus my trew_hud_ui stays hidden.
I’m sure someone has found a way to overcome this. Could you please share it with us? Many people are waiting for it and can’t use the resource because of this.

Thanks in advance!

cant help you with your problem but theres a tip

RegisterCommand("nui", function(source)
    SetNuiFocus(false, false)
    SendNUIMessage({YOUR MESSAGE})

just press F8 and type nui (without “/”) and it will let you out :slight_smile:

I found a “fix” for now when it comes to trew_hud_ui not appearing along with this script.

Go on trew_hud_ui/client/client.lua and insert on line #672: Citizen.Wait(10000)

So, the result will be:

AddEventHandler(‘esx:onPlayerSpawn’, function()
SendNUIMessage({ action = ‘ui’, config = Config.ui })
SendNUIMessage({ action = ‘setFont’, url = Config.font.url, name = Config.font.name })
SendNUIMessage({ action = ‘setLogo’, value = Config.serverLogo })

From my experiments I noticed that without this temporary solution, sometimes the trew_hud_ui will load while some other times it won’t. For me, with a decent pc it loads like half the time. For my friends with a bad one it never loaded. There must be some conflict between trew_hud_ui and np_skinshop_v2 and by adding a decent delay before trew_hud_ui loads, it seems like the issue is solved.
I did try to make it like 5000ms but for some people it just didn’t load, so I made it quite higher to make sure that everyone’s ui is loading.

I’m not sure about how we can actually solve the root of the problem here but at least there is your workaround for now.

Have fun!


Don’t save Accessories for me

don’t rename the script?


Anyone know how to put barbershop configurated with this script?

Since i install this script update and the newacessories my barbershop dont work.

someone can help me :smiley: