[Release] [ESX & Non-ESX] LegacyFuel system

The boats never stop, they consume naphtha but when you empty the tank they continue to work …


why do i get this

Hey so I am using ESX and LegacyFuel AND UseESX is turned on but it wont remove any money from my account

Hello, i have a problem with this script. When a player fill his car, the percentage of fuel make to 2%
(see the video…)

@InZidiuZ is it possible for you to add a fuel truck to fuel helicopters?

I made a helipad at Sandy Airfield with a pump on it that uses this script. Even includes and updated config with the correct coordinates. https://forum.cfx.re/t/ymap-sandy-airfield-helipad-w-fuel-pump-legacyfuel-updated-config-included/1447831

Why can I refill my Tesla on the pump, if I have it on the blacklist

Hi… does anyone know what I need to do to make a car appear with a full tank? for example a car from a job.

my garage system is saving the fuel but its still random how much fuel i have when i take my car out of the garage

i am using t1ger_garage if that is any helping info

where do i have to put this

function SpawnVehicle(modelHash)
    local vehicle = CreateVehicle(modelHash, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, true, false)

    exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(vehicle, 100)

Hi, I did put other electric cars into the Config.VehicleNames = { ‘teslax’, ‘neon’, ‘tezeract’, ‘cyclone’, ‘imorgon’, ‘raiden’, ‘voltic’, ‘dilettante’, ‘surge’ } but only for the Tesla the garages are visible. How do I make them work for all the other electric cars?

I am using ESX and when I go to get gas at the pump it fills my tank but then does not remove any money and it had some error in the F8 console that I do not remember off the top of my head, would anyone know what I could have done wrong?

how do you make it so it shows all of the blimps and not the one closest to you?

Hello! any way to convert jerrycan to item? In my case I use the fast item inventory system, but being like this when I buy it I cannot equip it

when fuel bieng finished car will speed back to than 200km/h

fuel is 1% and car going back with 200km/h

Same problem here you figure it out ?

look at this bug
200km/h when fuel is 1%

please help me

Im sure this has a easy solution but i cannot find it and ive been looking for it in the SQL and ESX_Society, the thing is whenever i try to refuel i get a “Not enough money” notification, i do have money in cash and also i do have money in the bank, happens to everyone in my server. What i am missing please?

Cool Mod man I love it but i Found that it keep on crashing after refilling my car till 100% for one or two time and i am not using any ESX mod any Solution ? and at low Fuel the Car Goes Reverse lol i am making a Server For Car meet and Crusing i dont want to put Economy in it…

And i am Getting this error everytime I grab a New jerryCan (Not For refilling the can) and then i have to Start it again Plz Help !!

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I had this issue. Somewhere in the script it isn’t checking if ESX is enabled or disabled and calls for ESX anyways. Just search for ESX in the script and remove all ESX parts if you don’t use ESX.

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Same here. Any solution?

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