[RELEASE] [ESX] Multicharacter And Spawnselector

Righth fixxed all my errors in console. only thing left is still this

If you are getting this error, your skin value is nil, which is a problem with esx_skin, not multicharacter

try these
[esx].rar (40.5 KB)

Weird still getting the same error


Is the skin on the database like this?

Yes it is. I found this step after looking through and finding the sql with that query.
I have used your full legacy pack along with the/ multi and spawn. I have build the database using your es extended combined with a full esx sql from older version to fill in the rest as you never provided a sql with legacy

But it has nothing to do with our topic. Things like your character’s first and last name are not saved in the database. There is nothing I can do for this. A lot of changes had to be made in the previous version and these people didn’t like it, there is no such thing in the new system. In short, you can solve it like this:
mx-multichar > src > server > main.lua
find skin = and change this

skin = result[i].skin and json.decode(result[i].skin) or {}

But remember, your skin data is not saved.


setentitycoords for female character not working.

After update to 2.0, server is using steam names instead of character names. I can’t use sex, dob… in ID cards because it throws an error. Does anyone know what to do with it?

what’s the error ?

It’s not error from multichar but from any other resource that tries to get sex, dob…

This one is from linden_inventory


(It worked with version 1)

GetPlayerIdentification = function(xPlayer)
    local a = false
    exports['ghmattimysql']:execute('SELECT sex, dateofbirth FROM users WHERE identifier = @id', {['@id'] = xPlayer.identifier}, function(result)
        if result and result[1] then
            a = 'Sex: '..result[1].sex or 'sex is nil'..' Dob'..result[1].dateofbirth or 'dob is nil'
            a = 'is nil...'
    while not a do
        print('waiting value')
    return a

I had to do little edit but works :smiley:

I dont know if there is a problem with my spawn script (the one you provided as a requirement in your github) whenever i want to spawn the player in last location after the 1st relog to the server the last location button always spawns me in the airport is there a way for me to fix this issue? Any help is appreciated have a nice day :smiley:

which version are you using?

the one with the citizenid dont want to change to latest version cause ive changed all of my scripts to work with this. Might be using the 1st ever version tbh

I can’t help you fix bugs in old version because I don’t use

Nice release

alright thanks for your time m8 appreciate it :smiley:

making a char and it dont save to db

The script that creates the character is es_extended. Nothing to do with Multicharacter.