[Release][ESX] Money Truck Robbery's


If you want to re upload an edited version just ask for permission


To start the robbery go to the back of the truck (Model Name: stockade) and press E then complete the hacking phase. If you fail the hacking phase there is a 30 second timer to retry.

If you want to remove the item on use go to RS7xMoneytruck/server.lua Line. 33 and un comment

"--"xPlayer.removeInventoryItem("Config.Item", 1)


  1. ESX
  2. progressBars
  3. mhacking
  4. mythic_notify




  1. Download RS7xMoneytuck and place it in your Resources folder
  2. Change the Config file to your liking
  3. Add start RS7xMoneytruck to your server.cfg
  4. start your server


Check Github Readme.md


Desktop 2020.03.10 -


Unlisted until working download

GitHub Repo should now be Public

Is not available for download from the post u linked…

Didn’t realise it was unlisted working on changing it now, sorry

Should now be updated


Watch Desktop 2020.03.10 - | Streamable

does the link not work ?

Okay so what I understand so far is that this makes it so that someone can rob any stockade. ( It doesn’t spawn automatically )

Once hacked the NPC guards spawn inside the vehicle.

I love the way the script is now and intend to have this work with the Brinks job (now players stockades can be robbed)

Only issue I see so far is that once hacked the NPC in the back of the stockade shut the doors once they pop open and poss no threat. The front passenger stays in the vehicle as well.

IF I enter the stockade after hacking the rear doors the NPC will jump out and start attacking me once I exit the vehicle as well.

Any idea on why ?

From what i have noticed if you are holding a gun they usually start attacking when the doors open but sometimes they will just shut the doors and not attack until a gun is pointed or you kick the truck.

I have been looking to see if there is anyway to make the guards attack as soon as the doors open and the hacking phase is done. you could try add TaskCombatPed for each guard in function createped()

i will do some testing and get back to you if i find a way to fix it.

Update : i removed SetVehicleDoorOpen() and added TaskCombatPed() for each guard now they all step out the truck as soon as the hacking phase is over and attack instantly if you find any problems with it feel free to let know you can take a look at the github to see what i changed.

Awesome , will add the change and report back with any issues !

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Where can I change the npc that appear?

client.lua Line 175 local hashKey = GetHashKey("ig_casey")

just change “ig_casey” with the model you want

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thank you very much for the prompt response, I loved this script

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no problem, i’m glad you like it :slight_smile:

Is there anyway to remove the blip after a certain amount of time so its not on the map forever?

it should be removed after 5 minutes. client.lua Line 162

if you are still having problems after 5 minutes has passed try moving RemoveBlip(Blip) To line 121 so it looks like this

if you are still having problems after changing that just let me know.

Is it possible to make it so these money trucks randomly spawn around the map?

They should automatically spawn around the map, usually around legion square or beach area.

Without an NPC, would the truck spawn?
