[RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

I have a doubt there are 2 identifier tables or where the steam comes out: 123123123
the “user” and the Employed, the employee side where should I go? I don’t know if I let myself understand thank you very much.

Here I leave the script, and I adapted it to work correctly with the kasharacter only missing the side of the employee who does not change or recognizes the steam: 123123123

on the “employed” side the steam identifiers are stored (steam: 123123)

On which side should I put that table in the kasharacter I hope you understand me.


So also having the same issue and copied your main.lua, i now get a global ‘Createaddoninventory’ calling a nil calue

any ideas?

Can i create a KASHacter player that would autoload an NPC skin… ? i have done great things so far with KASHacter but i dont know where to look… just a hint would be appreciated, i can do the rest. thx!

In “users” table, column “skin” … can i swap a blob of {data} that could be interpreted as an NPC skin ?

so some of my players are having an issue with the mouse loading up on they screen. Everytime i use the latest version of mysql-async it causes it. So i downgrade one time and it works fine any fix for the latest version as for im using esx_police_cad and its not compatible with older versions.

u found a solution?

Hello have u done essentialmode/client/main.lua line 6-16

	while true do

		if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then

while true do

	if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then

And make sure your esx_kashacters/client/main.lua line 53 is

AddEventHandler('kashactersC:SpawnCharacter', function(spawn, isnew)

    local pos = spawn
    SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
    cam2 = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", -1355.93,-1487.78,520.75, 300.00,0.00,0.00, 100.00, false, 0)
    PointCamAtCoord(cam2, pos.x,pos.y,pos.z+200)
    SetCamActiveWithInterp(cam2, cam, 900, true, true)
 if isnew then

This should fix your problem

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That code is syntactically incorrect, so…

big doubt

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Having issues when i select character everything loads fine, but my character is spawning in as a ped skin and not the clothing i selected when i registered/changed.

Have this script for vrpex???

I mean it works for me fine so :slight_smile:

hey i have a question can some one help me with my esx_society errors ? 1 when a boss of a job joins i get this error

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:171: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘account’)

ref (@esx_society/server/main.lua:171)
handler (@esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua:111)
ref (@esx_society/server/main.lua:170)
TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:33)
handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:88)

and when i try to put money on the society bank account i get this error

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:100: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘account’)

handler (@esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua:111)
handler (@esx_society/server/main.lua:98)

esx_society: https://hastebin.com/enadonufon.bash

esx_addonaccount: https://hastebin.com/opikuzepuy.bash

es_extended: https://hastebin.com/ubamarakiv.rb

pls add or dm me

can this come up when when the server cant use your id ?
because when i do /goto 1 it says incored id but im the 1 id?
but i can give jobs

Anyone know how to delay huds like esx_basicneeds or street huds from showing up while in the character selection, see image below:



Do you add that code to each script or specify the script you want hidden in that code?


Spawns me under the map near vinewood everytime but when i respawn it now spawns me at my dedicated place i want to spawn at when i join the server. I have looked through the script and cant fin d anything making it do this. It is 100% Kashacters

Check the database for users, then location. should be x y z position. Make sure in columns you have position in there. Should be below loadout. and var char 36 sometimes the length is the issue. It will read varchar 11. Set it to 36. Also ensure last_property is varchar 255

Check in your database under addon_account, and make sure society_job or whatever job you are referring to is listed. If not the job SQL failed to load correctly.

This didn’t fix it

is this correct

Take a pic of your tables under users its called columns let me see those.