[RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

This seems to be conflicting with esx_status. I have tried searching but ca’t find a fix. During the character selection screen the esx_status bars are showing and when i actually select the character and spawn in the bars do not degrade until i restart esx_status. I have to restart this every time a user joins the server.

Running this, esx_status, esx_basicneeds, and esx_optionalneeds.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: I have figured this out. I missed a couple posts in here talking about it and also found the code that I needed to fix. If anyone else needs help with it just shoot me a PM.

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I have an issue where after I make a character, it is saved, but does not display at the character select screen. The saved character is still assigned to the slot and I can choose it and login, its just not displayed as there? It still reads as create a new character. What am I missing?

how do i get back to the selection screen without having to relog

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Place this at the bottom of Client/main.lua

RegisterCommand(‘switch’, function()

I’ve followed the instructions for the ‘fixed’ version, all i get is the sky image, even with a clean database. any one able to help?

Edit: Got it working on a clean server with basic stuff on.

Hi! If i remove or change my character i keep my inventory and owned vehicles on all characters!

I would like to disable this and made people buy vehicles per-character

1 Like

When setting up the table in the lua, do the identifiers have to be the “key” columns in each database that it refers to?

Been looking for a fix, and cant seem to find it, I’ve found similar threads about it but no real solution, how do you fix it so when you die/respawn you spawn back into the character you made?

Duplicate Your esx_datastore or add This line on your esx_datastore server\main.lua

```-- Fix was taken from this link --
-- https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-esx-kashacters-multi-character/251613/448?u=xxfri3ndlyxx --
AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(source)

  local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM datastore')

	for i=1, #result, 1 do
		local name   = result[i].name
		local label  = result[i].label
		local shared = result[i].shared

		local result2 = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM datastore_data WHERE name = @name', {
			['@name'] = name

		if shared == 0 then

			table.insert(DataStoresIndex, name)
			DataStores[name] = {}

			for j=1, #result2, 1 do
				local storeName  = result2[j].name
				local storeOwner = result2[j].owner
				local storeData  = (result2[j].data == nil and {} or json.decode(result2[j].data))
				local dataStore  = CreateDataStore(storeName, storeOwner, storeData)

				table.insert(DataStores[name], dataStore)

	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
  	local dataStores = {}
	for i=1, #DataStoresIndex, 1 do
		local name      = DataStoresIndex[i]
		local dataStore = GetDataStore(name, xPlayer.identifier)

		if dataStore == nil then
			MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES (@name, @owner, @data)',
				['@name']  = name,
				['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier,
				['@data']  = '{}'

			dataStore = CreateDataStore(name, xPlayer.identifier, {})
			table.insert(DataStores[name], dataStore)

		table.insert(dataStores, dataStore)

	xPlayer.set('dataStores', dataStores)

when loading characters it doesnt load unique skins, if i use another character it uses the same skin for all
i tried to load in Users - skin, but that didnt work

1 Like

At first it was working fine, now when people load in they can no longer can make more then 1 person it just loads the first person they made… How can I fix this? Also new people are spawning random when it was in legion the first day I tested this.

Multi Char is working fine, great job, btw. BUT i’m encountering a bug? When i store something in my apartment, then log out and back in to a DIFFERENT character, he shares the same apartment inventory. Got any idea why?

wondering if there is a way to lock slots. So having two slots open for regular people and 3-4 for admins

Cool idea i guess… butttt WHY? why limit people to only 2 characters?

Okay so ive done every step etc when someone connects to try to make someone this is what console pushes

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_identity/server.lua:23: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)

ref (@esx_identity/server.lua:23)
setImmediate (@mysql-async/mysql-async.js:5039)
SCRIPT ERROR: @es_extended/server/main.lua:162: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’)
ref (@es_extended/server/main.lua:162)
setImmediate (@mysql-async/mysql-async.js:5039)
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Connecting: Snolizz
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(5083,49): pool.query
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(275,24): Sequence.end
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(2216,8): Query._handleFinalResultPacket
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(2200,8): Query.EofPacket
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(6197,23): Protocol._parsePacket
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(6458,12): write
@mysql-async/mysql-async.js(5957,16): Protocol.write

TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

when i load in if I do /register though it works however it doesnt save anything when you leave and come back.

Duplicate Your esx_datastore or add This line on your esx_datastore server\main.lua

-- https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-esx-kashacters-multi-character/251613/448?u=xxfri3ndlyxx --
AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(source)

  local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM datastore')

	for i=1, #result, 1 do
		local name   = result[i].name
		local label  = result[i].label
		local shared = result[i].shared

		local result2 = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM datastore_data WHERE name = @name', {
			['@name'] = name

		if shared == 0 then

			table.insert(DataStoresIndex, name)
			DataStores[name] = {}

			for j=1, #result2, 1 do
				local storeName  = result2[j].name
				local storeOwner = result2[j].owner
				local storeData  = (result2[j].data == nil and {} or json.decode(result2[j].data))
				local dataStore  = CreateDataStore(storeName, storeOwner, storeData)

				table.insert(DataStores[name], dataStore)

	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
  	local dataStores = {}
	for i=1, #DataStoresIndex, 1 do
		local name      = DataStoresIndex[i]
		local dataStore = GetDataStore(name, xPlayer.identifier)

		if dataStore == nil then
			MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES (@name, @owner, @data)',
				['@name']  = name,
				['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier,
				['@data']  = '{}'

			dataStore = CreateDataStore(name, xPlayer.identifier, {})
			table.insert(DataStores[name], dataStore)

		table.insert(dataStores, dataStore)

	xPlayer.set('dataStores', dataStores)


HAve you any issue ?

Best regards

Currently having an issue where I am the only one able to view the character slot screen. All other users get a blank screen. Suggestions?

Having a slight issue.

When I add more table identifiers, the character selection just doesn’t appear.

local IdentifierTables = {
    {table = "users", column = "identifier"},
    {table = "user_accounts", column = "identifier"},
    {table = "rented_vehicles", column = "owner"},

But because of the lack of table identifiers, all characters made by the same steam have the same licenses/vehicles/inventories.

Only recently realised this was happening so it’s been abused on the server for a while.

Any help would be appreciated.

– fixed it, but it’s managed to mess up esx_properties… onto the next project.

Does anyone know why when i spawn in i will spawn in at the coords 0 0 0?