[RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

anyone have a fix with the new update ? where this script wont work


Don’t understand the issue with this please help

With this am i replacing the current

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(playerId, xPlayer)

Or just adding it to the bottom of the resource? :slight_smile: thanks

When you were adding the table identifiers, how were you able to distinguish which query was a “identifier” and which one was an “owner” I want to set up my tables but I don’t know which is which or when to use “identifier” or “owner”

To get your identifier. Do this query in your database




Credit @Xnubil for this query line

Hey man, thank you so much for the quick reply! :slight_smile: I will do that now!

I am having a similar issue where if I add any tables, the character screen does not pop up. I have checked the database for spelling and accuracy and I still cant quite put my finger on what causes that. The moment I remove what I added to the server/main.lua, It will start working again but It wont save anything. Any help would be awesome! and if i figure it out, Ill note what the fix was for people having the same problem

local IdentifierTables = {
    {table = "owned_vehicles", column = "owner"},
	{table = "addon_account_data", column = "owner"},
    {table = "addon_inventory_items", column = "owner"},
    {table = "datastore_data", column = "owner"},
	{table = "owned_properties", column = "owner"},
    {table = "phone_calls", column = "owner"},
    {table = "phone_messages", column = "owner"},
	{table = "rented_vehicles", column = "owner"},
    {table = "user_licenses", column = "owner"},
    {table = "user_accounts", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "users", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "billing", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "characters", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "jail", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "phone_users_contacts", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "playersTattoos", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "society_moneywash", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "user_inventory", column = "identifier"},
	{table = "user_parkings", column = "identifier"},

Here is my database too

Thank you!
** EDIT ** (literally 5 minutes later)
commenting out the phone_ tables seemed to fix it. Any idea what that might mean?

I took out datastore, I didn’t even put the phone in.

It feels like there’s a different fix for each person :sweat_smile:

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Does anyone still get duplicate entry issues with this, even AFTER using the datastore fix?

[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES ('property', 'steam:', '{}')": ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry 'property-steam:' for key 'index_datastore_data_name_owner'[0m
[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES ('user_ears', 'steam:', '{}')": ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry 'user_ears-steam:' for key 'index_datastore_data_name_owner'[0m
[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES ('user_glasses', 'steam:', '{}')": ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry 'user_glasses-steam:' for key 'index_datastore_data_name_owner'[0m
[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES ('user_mask', 'steam:', '{}')": ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry 'user_mask-steam:' for key 'index_datastore_data_name_owner'[0m
[31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES ('user_helmet', 'steam:', '{}')": ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry 'user_helmet-steam:' for key 'index_datastore_data_name_owner'[0m

When you did the fix, you need to remove the current

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(playerId, xPlayer)

And replcae that hole function with the fix :slight_smile:

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So datastore now works fine, I tried the same fix with addon account as that spits pretty much the same error, But yeah this code wotn work or it? Have i missed something here?

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(source)

  local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM addon_account')

	for i=1, #result, 1 do
		local name   = result[i].name
		local label  = result[i].label
		local shared = result[i].shared

		local result2 = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM addon_account_data WHERE account_name = @account_name', {
			['@account_name'] = name

		if shared == 0 then

			table.insert(AccountsIndex, name)
			Accounts[name] = {}

			for j=1, #result2, 1 do
				local storeName  = result2[j].name
				local storeOwner = result2[j].owner
				local storeData  = (result2[j].data == nil and {} or json.decode(result2[j].data))
				local addonAccounts  = CreateAddonAccount(storeName, storeOwner, storeData)

				table.insert(Accounts[name], account)

	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
  	local addonAccounts = {}
    for i=1, #AccountsIndex, 1 do
		local name    = AccountsIndex[i]
		local account = GetAccount(name, xPlayer.identifier)

		if account == nil then
			MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO addon_account_data (account_name, money, owner) VALUES (@account_name, @money, @owner)', {
				['@account_name'] = name,
				['@money']        = 0,
				['@owner']        = xPlayer.identifier

			account = CreateAddonAccount(name, xPlayer.identifier, {})
			table.insert(Accounts[name], account)

		table.insert(addonAccounts, account)

	xPlayer.set('addonAccounts', addonAccounts)

So did someone fixed issue with [31m[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_datastore] An error happens on MySQL for query “INSERT INTO datastore_data (name, owner, data) VALUES (‘property’, ‘steam:’, ‘{}’)”: ER_DUP_ENTRY: Duplicate entry ‘property-steam:’ for key ‘index_datastore_data_name_owner’[0m

Ahaha, I feel so dumb. Thanks friend :slight_smile:

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Yes, [RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

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i have it all the time and its still doing it…

When you did the fix, you need to remove the current

AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(playerId, xPlayer)

So it should look like this?

yeah :slight_smile:

Thanks very much. I will try it :slight_smile:

Bit of a late reply, had some shit to deal with IRL. So this resource is made to work with ESX Standard not with other ESX Resources, I can’t tell which server is using what resources.

Sorry that I wasn’t able to help a lot of you and thanks everyone who helped eachother out in this thread. I hope you guys still enjoy this resource.