[RELEASE] [ESX] [FREE] VB-Banking (Banking UI/UX)

Thanks :slight_smile:

vRP version released thanks to @ToXicGlo :slight_smile:

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Thanks, very nice release

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Hey, very nice, good job! :slight_smile:



Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey is there anyway that you can link your ATM with the bt-target script because I would look so cool because I love your script and would love to use it to its full advantages.

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Is there a way to place the bank/atm locations in the configs or otherwise?

bt-target script


    local atm = {






    AddTargetModel(atm, {

        options = {


                event = "OuO_Bank:open", -- open bank 

                icon = "fas fa-credit-card",

                label = "ATM",



        job = {"all"},

        distance = 1.5



bank script example


AddEventHandler('OuO_Bank:open', function()

  SetNuiFocus(true, true)

  SendNUIMessage({type = 'openGeneral', t= atbank})


it works then just does this does not open the bank

If you use vb-banking script please try

AddEventHandler('vb-banking:open', function()
  inMenu = true
  SetNuiFocus(true, true)
  SendNUIMessage({type = 'openGeneral', banco = atbank})
  TriggerServerEvent('vb-banking:server:balance', inMenu)

just tried it the eye goes away but nothing comes up no mouse over though this time.


You must change OuO_Bank:open to vb-banking:open

Forgot to change event = “OuO_Bank:open”, – open bank to event = “vb-banking:open”, – open bank might actually work this time

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changed it but now is it back to the same issue with the mouse but vb-banking does not come up.

Where did you put vb-banking:open
You should put in the vb-banking script instead of bt-target

Bro did u rename the folder? Change it back to the orginal and see

no i didnt change the file name.

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yeah, niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Nice Script, esthetic and functional good job