[Release][ESX] [EMS/Ambulance Job]

The best thing you could do is analyzing the code. Search for the spot where the uniform change happens. Worked for me though. If you tried this, but you couldn’t find it, then you’re welcome to ask questions

you’re the king of the world ykt.
OFC i searched in the code and I CHANGED the uniform there!
The problem was the custom itself it’s bugged I changed for another skin and it work’s.
Try to be more helpfull with other people or just don’t comment, to give those shitty answers it would be better to be quiet tbh

In your esx_ambulancejob/client/job.lua, go to function OpenCloakroomMenu()
You will see this code:

function OpenCloakroomMenu()
	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'cloakroom',{
		title		= _U('cloakroom'),
		align	= 'top-left',
		elements = {
			{label = _U('ems_clothes_civil'), value = 'citizen_wear'},

Now, insert this line of code in elements:

{label = _U('ems_clothes_ems'), value = 'ambulance_wear', maleModel = 's_m_m_paramedic_01', femaleModel = 's_m_m_paramedic_01' },

(You could change femaleModel to s_m_y_paramedic, but I don’t have a skin for that one.
Now your code should look like this:

function OpenCloakroomMenu()
	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'cloakroom',{
		title		= _U('cloakroom'),
		align		= 'top-left',
		elements = {
			{label = _U('ems_clothes_civil'), value = 'citizen_wear'},
			{label = _U('ems_clothes_ems'), value = 'ambulance_wear', maleModel = 's_m_m_paramedic_01', femaleModel = 's_m_m_paramedic_01' },


Now make sure that in your locales (in my case en.lua) make sure that [‘ems_clothes_ems’] is a thing, like this:

['ems_clothes_ems'] = 'Ambulance Uniform',

(should be there already)

Now it should work

Does it have built in lock/unlock vehicle system for medics so they can lock/unlock their vehicles? Or do I need to get another script for that?

No, you will need to get or write a script yourself

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what you can do is download a script to lock vehicles.
I’m using vehcontrol atm if you want it

For the people who want to change ambulancejob uniforms follow this steps.
1- you need to stream the skin go to resources/folderNameYouWant/stream/folderTheSkin
2- open server.cfg and add the folderNameYouWant and save
3- Open in ambulancejob, client/main.lua
4- Find " if data.current.value == ‘ambulance_wear’ then "
5- Add this line code below that

ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_skin:getPlayerSkin’, function(skin, jobSkin)

	if skin.sex == 0 then

      local model = GetHashKey("s_m_m_paramedic_01")

      while not HasModelLoaded(model) do

      SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), model)
      local model = GetHashKey("s_m_m_paramedic_01")

      while not HasModelLoaded(model) do

      SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), model)


Save and restart your server!
If you need any help just ask me, I’ll help you ! :slight_smile:

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But with this script everyone can lock and unlock every vehicle, right?

yes that’s right

hey! just need to know the line where esx_ambulancejob sends messages, because I use gcphone and not esx_phone…

Do you mean distress messages?

I mean the message system on the gcphone to ambulance.
EDIT: ok I got it, just reinstalled it… xD

ok me again… does anyone knows hot to add items to pharmacy?
thanks in advance!
EDIT: My Item is already included, but when I want to take it, it only show the print message in the .cmd and does nothing.

Hey, im im having a problem where i cant talk while im down.

That’s not a problem my friend. That is called a feature. If you’re on the ground dead, you shouldn’t be able to talk.


Very sorry, i realised that after i had posted and then forgot about my post. I’m actually having an issue right now where upon pressing G, nothing happens. No call, (despite registering ambulance for gcphone), and the option doesnt change. it just stays at “hold G to send distress signal”

Does anything come up in your F8 console?

No, annoyingly. I’ve just changed the IsControlPressed for it to 47, which is G, rather than referencing the keys for G. but to no avail

Can someone support me with a esx_Ambulancejob dat ems don´t need to buy cars and can pick up medkit? thx

How does the owned_vehicles works? I can’t find it anywhere