[Release] [ESX] [Discontinued] NP Style hud

Hey, I am releasing my first hud!
The hud is based on np style, its pretty simple and neat.

The code is not the prettiest but it works, feel free to tell me about my errors that I made.







  • 1.0 Initial release
  • 1.1 Added voice activity
  • 1.2 Some optimization thanks to Macrofl3x
  • 1.3 Fixed the issue with needs thanks to D4NDI83

is not the same code ? XD

Part of it yes

anything we need to change? doesnt seem to work with my food and water. have everything required.

Forgot to add something.
You need to add:
TriggerEvent('esx_statushud:onTick', GetStatusData(true))
In esx_status client/main.lua:

                 update = true,
                 status = GetStatusData()


             --TriggerEvent('esx_status:onTick', GetStatusData(true))
           TriggerEvent('esx_statushud:onTick', GetStatusData(true))

so im pretty sure the health and armor works but the hunger and thirst bars not working and stress is always red image i did add to the esx_status client main.lua TriggerEvent(‘SC_hud:onTick’, GetStatusData(true)) also renamed the folder SC_hud should i switch it back to the original and instead use ~TriggerEvent(‘SC-hud:onTick’, GetStatusData(true)) still need a big fix for the thirst and hunger since i dont use a stress system atm

sweet this actually fixed it after clearing some cache. thanks. Great hud! hopefully you come out with maybe something for a indication for voice and or radio. i use tokovoip so that would be amazing.

probably will add to this some kind of voice indicator :slight_smile:

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cant wait to see what you come up with.

Dang this looks really good!

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how to trigger the stress system…

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Hey wassa got a question you might be able to help me with this but Im trying to change the stress icon to show when I talk! I was wondering if you know how to code that I use mumble voip so. Thanks

food doesn’t work for me.

I will post an update today with voice added :slight_smile:

you need to add for yourself the stress system trigger, i use the last status for drunknes

Try to remove the drunk value

AddEventHandler("esx_statushud:onTick", function(Status)
 food, water = Status[1].percent, Status[2].percent
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Try to change the food index and water index, look in your database how it stores it

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Thank you so much!

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