[RELEASE] [ESX] Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel

i think there is a bug when a person become nothing than all players can not spinn the wheel any fixes

here is a coord to change from 0.0 0.0 0.0 to the coords of the wheel prop

the line and code can you poste it ?

    SetEntityRotation(_wheel, 978.0117, 50.3487, 73.9561, 1, true)

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you mean this line right

AddEventHandler(“esx_tpnrp_luckywheel:doRoll”, function(_priceIndex)
_isRolling = true
SetEntityRotation(_wheel, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, true)
local speedIntCnt = 1
local rollspeed = 1.0
– local _priceIndex = math.random(1, 20)
local _winAngle = (_priceIndex - 1) * 18
local _rollAngle = _winAngle + (360 * 8)
local _midLength = (_rollAngle / 2)
local intCnt = 0
while speedIntCnt > 0 do
local retval = GetEntityRotation(_wheel, 1)
if _rollAngle > _midLength then
speedIntCnt = speedIntCnt + 1
speedIntCnt = speedIntCnt - 1
if speedIntCnt < 0 then
speedIntCnt = 0

        intCnt = intCnt + 1
        rollspeed = speedIntCnt / 10
        local _y = retval.y - rollspeed
        _rollAngle = _rollAngle - rollspeed
        -- if _rollAngle < 5.0 then
        --     if _y > _winAngle then
        --         _y = _winAngle
        --     end
        -- end
        SetEntityRotation(_wheel, 0.0, _y, 0.0, 1, true)


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when i change this line SetEntityRotation(_wheel, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, true) to SetEntityRotation(_wheel, 978.0117, 50.3487, 73.9561, 1, true) nothings changes

for me changed, because create a new wheel…

client.lua (5.7 KB)

can you save me than what i do wrong ?

I download from here. Author is removed it @@

If you love that HUD, I’ll release it soon

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i am using this casino, The Diamond Casino Enterable MLO
got the Wheel in place and go it to work cept for when it spins, as soon as it spins another wheel appears and heading is off

Thx Great release <3

ông biết việt hóa có dấu k chỉ tôi với

Hi have same problem with the whell, start ok, but when I turn the wheel, another wheel appears and heading is off

I didn’t get that problem like you. What casino pack you’re using?

@sowbit262 In your video I see that the exhibition car is rotating. Could you provide me with the script to rotate the cars at that point?

The customer already brings the lines for it. In local carmodel = GetHashKey (' lwgtr') there you must put the name of the .ytd of your car add-on or the name .ytd of the car you want to put

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It in my script.

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Yeah tested this out and for some reason it don’t work for me i go to the casino and the wheel is just a blank black wheel what can’t do nothing with i use Milo Casino so not sure if that is why.? :slight_smile:

also happens to me, only the black wheel appears, can you help us please?